Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Woman in Business Management Personal Statement

Woman in Business Management - Personal Statement Example Being a woman, I have always desired Jewellery and tilted towards diamonds. I had a strong inclination towards commencing my own Jewellery business but I had no practical know-how of market trends, supply and demand information, supply chain and distribution channels, consumer preferences and tastes, demographics, lifestyles, attitudes, and behaviors towards this industry. Unequivocally, I learned the aforementioned concepts during my academics, yet I felt I still need a near to accurate recognition of market facts, that to be honest, theory and books do not necessarily provide. A time came when I, fortunately, met an industry expert and a professional business executive, employed at Amrapali Jewels, a diamond Jewellery boutique located in Knights Bridge. After some formal introduction and discussion, I expressed my concern that I was interested in doing an internship in her industry. She appreciated my interest and provided some guidance and direction regarding the recruitment and s election process (test and interview procedure). In short, I successfully cleared all the stages and called for my internship. Â   Delighted by my progress, I joined the Jewellery Boutique. Before sharing my actual experiences at Amrapali Jewels, I first would like to describe my predefined objectives. As far as my Knowledge goals are concerned, I had an intention to gain an insight about the entire Diamond Jewellery Purchase and Sales process, comprising of Jewellery designing, supply, display, pricing, consumer preferences and face to face customer and direct marketing. I also wanted to know about security measures and precautions being adopted by the store for safety purposes.

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