Thursday, October 17, 2019

LP4- juvenal justice- Family Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LP4- juvenal justice- Family - Assignment Example To begin with, the modern American family did not always have the father as the all powerful head of the household / breadwinner. Before the 1920s, women did their ample share to support the family through cottage and backyard industries that existed within their homes. These jobs could be as simple as dressmaking, babysitting, baking, etc. The common denominator among these jobs is that it allowed the woman to stay at home in order to supervise the rearing of the children. According to sources; â€Å"It was only in the 1920s that, for the first time, a majority of American families consisted of a breadwinner-husband, a home-maker wife, and children attending school† (â€Å"Does the American Family Have a History? Family Images and Realities†). This change marked a major turning point for the American families and how the parents would continue to influence the upbringing of their children. Historical research by Tas (27 - 28) has shown that even during ancient times, the family was considered to be the cornerstone of a childs discipline and upbringing and therefore, should be blamed for any delinquency that might occur. Noted as the â€Å"major causal agent in the genesis of delinquency† even the ancient Mesopotamians left tablet scriptures indicating that they believed the world would come to an end because even back then, children were already showing signs of disobeying their parents . In order to properly determine the influence of changes in the family unit in relation to juvenile delinquency, we must look at the influential variables that help determine the character development of the child. These influential variables include family functioning, impact of family disruption, and two-parent versus single parent households (Doggett, Anika â€Å"Juvenile Delinquency and Family Structure†). The family is the unit where a child is first exposed to the world and its activities. A child who is exposed to

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