Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HMR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

HMR - Essay Example Human resource management looks after all these activities. HRM can be considered as a process which involves four main duties. These include acquisition, motivation, development and overall maintenance of the human resource of an organisation. HRM can be considered as that branch of management which is responsible for maintaining relationships among the employees and the organisation. The nature of HRM varies widely and depends on its role in the organisation. HRM is an inherent part of an organisation. From broader perspective, this role is followed by almost all members of an organisation rather than only the department for personnel management. The function of human resource management is pervasive. It has to be performed by managers at all levels and it is not limited to only one department or group. It permeates to each and every department of an organisation regardless of the category and function. Major activities of this department include manpower planning, placement, emplo yment, compensation and appraisal and training of the employees. HRM is a continuous process which is present at every stage of the organisation. The fundamental objective of human resource management is contributing to the goals of the business and organisation. The department functions by ensuring efficient utilisation of the human resource and also increasing the potential of the people in the organisation so that they can fully utilise the resources of the organisation (Maloney). HRM functions can be categorised as managerial and operative functions. The managerial functions include planning, organising, controlling and directing. On the other hand, operative functions include activities such as procurement and development of function, providing compensation and benefits to them, record keeping and maintenance of good industrial relations. The structure of human resource management in UK is very strict. Most of the organisations in UK, have highly delegated HRM departments which looks after the organisation. As early as from the 1980s, the centre has effectively delegated the responsibility of HRM to various agencies and department. This suit has been followed by a majority of public sector organisations in the UK. Big organisations and most of the private sectors are now focussing on maintaining their own HRM department. Human resource management is most evident in the health care sector in UK while local authorities and smaller groups do not have any proper human resource management format. The basic difference between human resource and human resource management is that human resource consists of a group of individuals who constitute the workforce of a business, organisation or an economy; they are tangible assets of an organisation. On the other hand, human resource management includes management of these assets for the best utilisation of the resources of a business or organisation. Principles of Equal Opportunities Equal opportunity in employment ref ers to equal rights in the field of jobs, services and benefits to all individuals, employees and perspective employees in an organisation (Equal Opportunity). Equal employment opportunity is determined to provide equal and fair outcomes in almost all employment areas which include functions such as selection, recruitment, information access, management

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