Thursday, December 26, 2019

Smoking Is An Addictive Habit That Has Been Killing People...

Smoking is an addictive habit that has been killing people all over the world for hundreds of years. About 25% of adults smoke and about 30% of all adolescents use some type of tobacco product (â€Å"Smoking†). Statistics show that the majority of tobacco users began as a teenager, around thirteen years of age (Miller). The human population is supposed to have innate instincts to do all they can to survive and extend their lives, but individuals still make the choice to smoke and may not take into account all of the detrimental consequences their actions could have. When an individual lights up a cigarette, they are not only harming themselves, but also others around them and the environment. Has one ever truly wondered what exactly is in a cigarette? There are over 4,000 toxic substances contained in a cigarette, including Arsenic, which can be found in rat poison; Acetic Acid, which can be found in hair dye; Ammonia, which is included in household cleaners; and Butane, which is found in lighter fluid (â€Å"Smoking†). Smoking has the power to do horrible things to the human body and mind that some do not fully take into consideration. Physically, the effects of smoking are extremely serious. Smoking has the power to damage nearly every organ in the human body (â€Å"Smoking†). Each year, it causes nearly one in five deaths and is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States (Miller). Smokers are likely to develop heart disease, strokes, or lung cancer. Smoking diminishesShow MoreRelatedThe Film Secrets Of Tobacco Industry925 Words   |  4 Pagesto purchase and consume around the world. Available in various smoke shops and grocery stores tobacco is widely available to the public. But what are the effects of the drug on people’s health? What are countries doing to stop it? The film Secrets of Tobacco Industry speaks mainly about the marketing and sale of tobacco in Indonesia. To start of the Christof Putzel proceeds to New York where mayor Michael Bloomberg discuses his effective mission to decrease smoking in his city. Afterword Putzel thenRead MoreSmoking: A Therapeutic Approach to Quitting Essay981 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking A Therapeutic Approach to Quitting While smoking is a problem that affects millions of people in The United States, several different approaches are available to assist in breaking the habit; specifically, therapeutic approaches, when utilizing group sessions, one-on-one interaction, or self direction, do offer the ability to modify personal views, behaviors or other challenging issues to achieve predetermined results. Since each of the aforementioned options provide varying amounts ofRead MoreThe Tobacco Industry: Profiting From Death1091 Words   |  5 Pages  Ã‚                 The tobacco industry in America is one that every person is affected by. In the past year over 3,000 people died from second-hand smoke related deaths (Above the   Even non-smokers are heavily affected by this moneymaking industry. The real question though, is how is a product that kills justified in the market? This product is not only addictive, but also highly threatening to the lives of its users. The maj ority of users do not realize it, but in reality they are payingRead More Putting a Stop to Smoking1261 Words   |  6 PagesIt is shocking to know that there are about ten people who die from smoking every single minute, and nobody seems to have any idea about it. Indeed, there is â€Å"a growing gap between the real world and the academy† since people are more intellectual about things that are irrelevant to the real life and are ignorant of things that are imperative to live in the real world (Orr 310). Did you know that there are over four hundred thousand deaths caused by cigarettes and tobacco each year in the U.S.Read MoreTobacco Should Be Made Illegal Essay1010 Words   |  5 PagesCigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This means about one out of every five deaths is a result of smoking. In addition to outright death, smoking has many detrimental effects on the lives of smokers and those around them. Fires, second-hand s moke, and smoking related motor vehicle accidents all plague the world and those in it. Tobacco should be made illegal because of the horrible consequences it inflicts on smokers and non-smokers alike. Tobacco isRead MoreTobacco Is A Common Pleasure Among Millions Of Americans1515 Words   |  7 PagesTobacco use is a common pleasure among millions of Americans. Tobacco use is a great source of disagreement, and people either support it or disapprove of it. Smoking is a personal choice, and we need to accept that adults can decide to harm themselves (hypothetically) to some degree as long as there not harming another person. We also need to stop criticizing people about the decisions others choose to make, so long as you don’t choose to do it, it shouldn’t be a problem if someone decides differentlyRead MoreShould Tobacco Smoking Be A Public Health Issue?2572 Words   |  11 Pagesdiscuss about one public health issue that has reached the Australian government policy agenda, I would also be talking about the policy reactions to this issue by the federal government. Here I am going to write about tobacco smoking as a public health issue that has caused the federal go vernment to get involved on the issue of smoking and policies that has put into place to minimize/curb its hazards. Cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit that is every addictive and causes health problems not only toRead MoreEssay about The Major Public Health Concern of Tobacco1390 Words   |  6 PagesTobacco Now, more than ever, more and more people are beginning to look at tobacco use as a major public health concern. It is nineteen ninety nine, and the number of smokers is rising while the average age of smoking initiation decreases. There are those that believe using tobacco of any type should be illegal, or at least restricted. Others believe it is up to the person to choose whether to use tobacco products or not, however most of these people believe tobacco companies should warn their customersRead More Harmful Effects Of Smoking Essay1907 Words   |  8 PagesEvery year thousands of people die because of lung cancer or other tobacco related illnesses. Everyone in the world comes in contact with smoke from a cigarette at least once in their lifetime, whether it is at a restaurant or at work. Millions of people are addicted to smoking, and thousands more become addicted every year. Cigarettes and other tobacco products are everywhere. Most of the addicted smokers started when they were young (Roberts 18). The reason why people get addicted to any typeRead MoreIncrease Taxation Of Tobacco Products On South Korea And Reduce The Levels Of Noncommunicable Diseases1733 Words   |  7 PagesBackground One of the major global public health challenges of the 21st century is noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Current global mortality from NCDs remains exceedingly high and continues to increase. According to World Health Organization (WHO) 2014 estimates, 38 million people die around the world each year from NCDs, mainly from cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes1. NCDs are a pressing health concern for the global community. During the creation of the Millennium

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Age of Internet - 1323 Words

The Age Of The Internet The Internet could be impacting the way our brains think more than thought possible in the 21st century. When I say the Age of the Internet, I am not merely talking about the effects of the Internet. With the Internet, came many new technological improvements. Technology plays a major role in our lives way more than ever before. We are constantly staring at screens, always in touch with one another, and rely on it heavily in our daily lives. Almost all of us carry a piece of it in our pocket and use it like we use oxygen. If not, then were staring at a screen. Our generation is among the first to have a major role in whom the Age of the Internet actually affects. We have grown up, literally, in front of a screen.†¦show more content†¦The idea that new technology is changing the way we think is not only a modern view. Still focusing on the CQ Researcher article, about half way through the article, Powers writes in Hamlets BlackBerry that Even in ancient Greece, people worried about what the latest technology was doing to their minds. The article points out that many of the greatest philosophers in the past worried about the new invention of writing. They believed it would damage memory and society. What they failed to realize was what the benefits could be. We now know these benefits to be of the upmost importance, as we rely on many written things today, such as books. Could this be the same role we face today? Many of todays leading experts are worried about how this new technology could hurt the way we think. However, there seems to be far too many beneficial qualities to this new era of technology that makes this rapid growth seem somewhat unstoppable. Even though the benefits are outstanding, there are inevitable consequences to this new technology. As mentioned in the article Attached to Technology and Paying a Price by Matt Richtel in The New York Times, some scientists believe that multi-tasking affects our ability to focus. Scientists say that having multiple windows open, listening to music, checking your e-mail, and other incoming sorts of information can change how we think and possibly behave. The stimulation provokes excitement - aShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Age1710 Words   |  7 PagesSince the birth of the internet many different aspects of our lives have been affected, as a result of this, two large parts of our society have aligned themselves on contrasting sides. One side wishes to see the end of this virtual age and hopes for the return of more traditional media. The other encourages the abandonment of the real world for a virtual one. Both extremes are problematic; a middle ground must be found.Through wires and radio-waves, the Internet has become a literal web that bindsRead MoreThe Internet Of The Digital Age1055 Words   |  5 Pagesin the world has some access to the internet, but in the same year that humans have landed a probe on a comet, the average internet speed is 3.5 Mbps worldwide. One would think that by this time loading icons would become a thing of the past, but in 2015 we still have slow internet speeds. In the digital age, everyone should have some access to the internet because the internet is a utility used by many to entertain, to educate and to communicate. The Internet is the global system of interconnectedRead MoreInternet Technology : The Development Of The Internet Age732 Words   |  3 PagesWith the development of the Internet age, Internet technology has been developed to various industries. Interest technology has affected the traditional form, but also triggered the enterprise market and competitive environment drastic changes. As mentioned in the text book, successful innovation is difficult because innovation is often short and risky. But there is no innovation, is not now convenient. Both the music industry and book-publishing industry are the success examples of business modelRead MoreThe Age Of The Internet Essay768 Words   |  4 PagesThe age of computers and the internet is very exciting, not only for the average person, but also for businesses. It opens up an entirely new world of marketing and communicating with their customers. It dubbed newspaper advertisements and commercials on cable a thing of the past. The amount of advertising and marketing that companies can achieve either for free or for very little money is truly remarkable. Now, with a growing generation of people who were raised alongside the internet, the nextRead MoreThe Age Of Technology And The Internet977 Words   |  4 PagesThe age of technology continues to grow each and every day with new programs and devices that are invented. The sharing of files today is very common for both infringing and non-infringing reasons. Many websites contain files that are illegal to distribute for free, but they easily get away with it. Attempting to catch a specific person who violates the copyright laws is very difficult with the tools available today. The Internet is becoming a gateway to both legal and illegal information, whichRead MoreThe Emerging Digital Age Of The Internet Essay1360 Words   |  6 PagesSince the birth of the computer and the internet we have witnessed almost every business worldwide discard the timely usage of paper documents and filing systems and welcome the use of database servers which has enabled greater productivity, accuracy and availability. Many businesses like banks obtain high ly sensitive personal information from their clients which is stored on database servers and encrypted with the goal of protecting their data from unauthorized users. Data being stored on serversRead MorePhysical Attraction in the Internet Age1913 Words   |  8 PagesATTRACTION IN THE INTERNET AGE Your name Instructors name Name of course Date Since its inception the internet has affected nearly every aspect of society so it is only natural that it would eventually impact on our most intimate of relationships: romance. In just a short twenty years the internet has nearly revolutionized the dating process and determined who and how we meet each for purposes of establishing both casual and permanent romantic relationships. The internet dating business isRead MoreInternet a Tool of Modern Age2643 Words   |  11 Pagessociety has grown, becoming centralized authority in our society. Exaggerated contents of mass media affect bad sides to people-especially teenagers. Some people tend to believe mass media absolutely, so it is also becomes a problem. Television, internet, and advertising, nowadays, the most important medium of mass media brings some problems to each other, so these are issue in society which people have to solve. Mass Media Power The more society has grown, the bigger the market of mass media hasRead MoreEffects Of The Hidden Internet On The Digital Age1681 Words   |  7 PagesThe Dark Web: The Effects of the Hidden Internet on the Digital Age In the late 1990’s, the internet became a staple of society, a new â€Å"fad† that became integrated into modern culture. As more and more information was uploaded to this repository, data hubs formed, often around illegal materials such as copies of music and movie files. In 2001, a man named Ian Clarke revolutionized the internet by introducing â€Å"Freenet,† a service that allowed for anonymous access to the darkest reaches of the webRead MoreThe Internet And Society : Shaping The Information Age1138 Words   |  5 PagesAshley Marie Livingston John Frykenberg History 8356 November 30, 2015 The Internet Society Shaping the Information Age In todays Information Age, the Internet has become the most sought after resource tool by millions. It is reshaping the way people live in society and how they interact with one another. As more and more people log on the Internet, it has undoubtedly changed the way people think and feel about each other and the world around us. Communication has always been an important part

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Evolution Of Photography Of Digital Photography Essay Example For Students

The Evolution Of Photography Of Digital Photography Essay A brief history of digital photography Throughout history, man has attempted to record his exploits for whatever reason or occasion. These early attempts were simple carvings or drawings that can be found throughout the world. Contrary to what many believe, the concept of capturing an image as the world has come to know it is not a process that is relatively new. The basic ideas have been around for centuries. An Arab, Alhazen of Basra, observed sometime in the, tenth century at light passing through a small round hole, perhaps in a tent flap or wall, would create an image of the outdoor scene on an interior wall or screen. He used this to obese eclipses of the sun. Many others, including Aristotle, had observed, this optical phenomenon, which was later used in what the Italians called the camera obscura (literally dark room). From this we got our word camera. (Rhode, 1) Even though the basic elements of capturing light and image was in the hands of early man, it was centuries before the light image was able to be saved without the need for paints or carvings. By 1700 the portable camera obscura had become standard equipment for many professional artists who etched image the lens cast on the ground glass. No one knew of any popular method of recording the image. Then, in 1727, Johann Heinrich Schulze, a German university professor, revealed that he had discovered that the blackening of silver salts (such as silver iodide, silver, bromide, and silver chloride), observed by others before him, was caused by light, not by heat or air. Thus the two basic steps needed for the development of photography were known: light could be used to cast an image on silver salts that would be chemically changed by the light, thereby recording the image. But a century more elapsed before anyone successfully created a permanent image with the photochem ­ical reaction. (Rhode, 4) Still, it was more than a century later before the science of using silver salts as a permanent way to capture a light image. By the middle of the 1800s photographers like Jacques Mande Daguerre were conducting numerous experiments and soon perfected, for the day, the photography fixing process. Daguerre revealed the daguerreo ­type process. In brief, the daguerreotype was made by coating a copper plate with silver, which was then polished and exposed to iodine fumes. This iodized silver surface was then placed in a camera and exposed to light projected by the lens. The image on the exposed plate was developed (made visible) by placing it over a pot of heated mercury; the bright mercury adhered to parts of the plate in proportion to the amount of light exposure each part had received. The visible image thus created was fixed (made relatively permanent) in a solution of sodium thiosulphate and, finally, washed. (Rhode 4,5) The Daguerreotype process had two major disadvantages. First it was time consuming with exposure times lasting g many minutes and second it subjected the photo developer to a variety of hazardous chemicals involving hot mercury and iodine fumes. Over the years professional photography expanded due to peace and war operations, pushing amateurs more and more to also have avenues to capture memories. Photography appeals to some of us because of its immediacy and realism and to others for the artistic interpretation it allows. And for almost everyone, photographs are mementos of occasions and people who mean something to us. (Robertson) Photography has evolved into a medium allowing the average person to add a personal touch to the documentation process. The world of photography is a personal one. We take pictures to express our feelings about people, nature, and the world around us. And as in any art of communication, be it writing, music, or art, we experience great pleasure when the results of our efforts communicate what we set out to say. (Hoy) Today, there are literally hundreds of different camera and digital image storage options. The options can include cameras prices from a dollar disposable to a professional model priced in the thousands of dollars. There are also the many different types of photo conversion processes to include film scanners, flat bed photo scanners and photo slide scanners. Again, these options range from the minimal priced to the tens of thousands of dollars. .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .postImageUrl , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:hover , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:visited , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:active { border:0!important; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:active , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Evolution Of Hip Hop EssayIts one thing to have the desire to make good photographs, its quite another to have the training and equipment to make good photographs. Over the years cameras have evolved from the simple box cameras with a pin hole to the newest high resolution digitals. Training has evolved away from only being available to professionals. These days, cameras and training are at costs that just about anyone can produce professional looking photographs. Many of the newer photographs and now being made with the latest digital cameras. When the world of computers collided with the world of photography, a new type of photography was born ­ in Digital Photogra phy. With the advent of the digital age, we as photogra ­phers have been introduced to an entirely new set of toys. Powerful computers, along with digital cameras and scanners, have led the way to new possibilities for image capture, enhancement, and manipulation. Yet, whether its digital photography or photography with metal plates and mercury fumes (as pioneered back in 1839 by photographys inventor Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre), the serious photographer eventually moves on to a higher plane-to a fascination with the art of digital photography. (DeLaney) Modern photography has been around for a couple hundred years, but as a science it is ageless. Whether its classic film photography or the newest gadget in the digital age, it all comes down to having a desire to make and store a memory. The equipment and training mean nothing without a desire to capture a memory and save it forever.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why You Need to Improve WordPress Security (And How to Do It)

WordPress popularity is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, its users have access to a gigantic library of tools to help enhance their websites. On the other, it presents a very attractive target for malicious attacks. Thats why learning how to improve WordPress security is essential.(Chart by WordPress Charts and Graphs Lite.)It sounds like a complicated subject – especially if you dont have a background in web development – but its actually relatively simple. In fact, a few simple tweaks here and there are often enough to dramatically  improve WordPress security.In this post, well present four tweaks to improve WordPress security of your website, including step by step instructions, and what makes each of them so important to your websites safety. Lets get started!Why you need to improve WordPress securityAs we mentioned, WordPress popularity paints a giant target on its back when it comes to security. This isnt to say if you use it, you will face security breaches, but its always a possibility.Some of the most common sources of WordPress vulnerabilities include:Not backing up your files. Backups are vital from a security standpoint. If you ever run into a serious security issue, having a recent backup of your site can save you lots of headaches.Vulnerable login pages. Unsecured login pages are the most common target for WordPress attackers. A good start here is to maintain high standards when it comes to username and password complexity.  Reusing passwords or setting simple ones is a bad idea in general, but doubly so when it comes to WordPress.Using the default database prefixes. This is another common attack vector for WordPress, and theres no  reason to stick to default database prefixes on new installs.Outdated core files, themes, and plugins. This one is pretty simple to tackle. Dont install unnecessary themes or plugins, and discard those that havent been updated in a while.As you can see, most of the items on this list ar e pretty simple to deal with. A little common sense will get you far, but were fans of going the extra mile – so lets discuss how to tackle each more thoroughly.4 simple steps to improve WordPress securityWe want to keep things simple, so well be introducing you to several tools you can employ to protect your site from each vulnerability. When possible, well also link to more advanced resources for your peace of mind. Lets get right to it!1. Set up a backup solutionSetting up good backup solution should always be one of your first steps after installing WordPress on a new site. Your web host might provide you with an internal solution in some cases – if youre not sure whether yours does, take a look at your sites cPanel or contact their support team.Either way, we still recommend that you set up a backup solution of your own, since this will provide you with a greater degree of control. Weve talked about backup plugins  in the past, but if you want a reliable and fre e solution fast, you can go with UpdraftPlus: UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin Author(s): UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAndersonCurrent Version: 1.16.17Last Updated: September 12, 96%Ratings 29,914,741Downloads WP 3.2+Requires After installing the plugin, a new option will appear under Settings on your WordPress dashboard. Here, youll have access to the three functions that lie at the core of UpdraftPlus –  Backup Now,  Restore, and  Clone/Migrate:Selecting the Backup Now option will prompt you to choose whether to include your database and media files:Once youve clicked Backup Now, and waited a few moments, it  will appear on your main backup list, and youll have the option to use the Restore function if necessary. Easy, right? In only a few minutes, youve took the first crucial step in  making your site more secure.2. Secure your login pagesBefore we dive any further into this topic, we want to reiterate that secure usernames and pas swords are the most basic measure you can take to improve WordPress security. Dont use  admin as your username, and consider using a password manager if you dont want to memorize a complex password.Moving on, when it comes to more advanced measures, there are three steps you should take:Limit the number of possible login attempts, which  makes it harder for attackers to brute-force their way in.Enable CAPTCHAs  to combat bots.Employ a two-factor authentication solution.The Wordfence security plugin helps with  step  one  by enforcing good login security practices: Wordfence Security Firewall Malware Scan Author(s): WordfenceCurrent Version: 7.4.0Last Updated: August 22, 96%Ratings 135,846,747Downloads WP 3.9+Requires It also includes a number of  other features, which warrant further attention. While  not the only option, its one of the top security plugins currently available.3. Modify the default database prefixWhen installing Word Press, you have the option to set a custom database prefix. This is a solid security practice, but easy to overlook if youre not aware of the security downsides:Modifying the prefix of an existing install is a bit more complicated since it involves tinkering with your wp-config.php file, but it can be done. DigWP goes in depth into the process – its lengthy, but easy to follow. Of course, if you followed step one, youll have a good clean backup in case you need to roll back.4. Manage your update settingsWeve already touched on  keeping your WordPress core files, themes, and plugins up to date. Plugins are the most complicated of the bunch – a lot of sites tend to go overboard with them, which can make update  management a hassle.Instead of constantly monitoring your plugins for available  updates, we recommend using a tool to do it for you. Our favorite is Easy Updates Manager, which enables you to turn on automatic updates for your entire site: Easy Updates Ma nager Author(s): Easy Updates Manager TeamCurrent Version: 8.1.0Last Updated: October 17, 96%Ratings 2,544,808Downloads WP 4.6+Requires Best of all, this plugin includes  micromanagement options, enabling you to choose which parts of your site should update automatically. The plugin provides you with a simple control screen, which lets  you toggle these options on or off with a single click:ConclusionWordPress is an amazing solution, but its popularity makes it a  target for malicious attacks. While using WordPress doesnt necessarily mean your site will come under fire, its always good to follow best security practices.In this post, weve presented four tweaks that can help harden your site to the point where security worries (almost) become a thing of the past. Lets go over the steps  one final time:Employ  a backup solution.Secure your login pages.Change the default database prefix.Manage your update settings.Do you have any questions on how to improve WordPress security? Is your site secure? Feel free to speak up in the comments section below!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

To Be, or Not to Be Black Essay

To Be, or Not to Be Black Essay To Be, or Not to Be Black Essay To Be, or Not to Be Black â€Å"Are you black?† is a question that I have encountered in my life countless times. The following conversations are always so similar it is almost as if they were scripted. I answer â€Å"yes†, but the person proceeds to tell me why I am not black. They say that I am too light-skinned, that I have â€Å"white-people hair†, or that I do not act black. I always wonder what makes these people think that they have the authority to tell me who I am. Despite being annoyed by their ignorance, I explain how I am indeed a black person. Having to constantly deal with encounters such as these has conditioned me to be ready to prove that I am black to anyone that questions me. It is troubling that people have to provide reasons as to why they are black, but it seems as if that is how society is today. After my experiences and observations of the â€Å"black† world around me, it has become evident that the population of â€Å"true† black people is very limited. Being â€Å"black" involves meeting certain standards set by society, dealing with stereotypes on a daily basis, and the ever so constant struggle to climb the social ladder. According to the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary, black means â€Å"of or relating to a race of people who have dark skin and who come originally from Africa† (Merriam-Webster). The Oxford English Dictionary defines black in a variety of ways ranging from â€Å"denoting a member of any dark-skinned group of peoples†, to â€Å"enveloped in darkness†, and â€Å"deeply stained with dirt; soiled, filthy, begrimed† (OED Online). If official dictionaries recognize that anyone from African descent is black, why is that society cannot? Discrepancies between the dictionary definition of black and society’s definition of black elicit the controversy of what makes someone black. It appears that society has unofficial requirements a person must meet in order to be considered black. A person must act a certain way, do certain things, and go through certain kinds of experiences a â€Å"true† black person would go through. A friend once told me that if I have not seen the movie Love and Basketball I am not black because every black person has seen it. That comment struck a nerve because it was ridiculous that according to her, the difference between being black and white was something as simple as seeing a movie. Another requirement black people have to meet is how a black person should look. Apparently, a black person should be dark skinned and should not have â€Å"good† hair. However, this is the complete opposite of reality because black people have evolved into many different looks and makes. Now it seems as if the number of â€Å"true† black people is slowly shrinking. Stereotypes play a role in the daily life of black people. Sadly, most of the time the negative stereotypes are what represent black people as a whole. As a result from the stereotyping, a lot of other cultures look down on black people and their ways. Some of the stereotypes claim that all black people are thugs, low-lives, basketball players, and all sag their pants. The striking fact is that most of the stereotypes exist in other cultures, yet the focus is always on black people. Negative stereotypes have such a prominent role in black culture that the positive outcomes in the black community are often dismissed. For example, some of the country’s best entertainers, athletes, and politicians, including the President, are black (Raspberry 315). Even if these â€Å"elite† black people have not gained respect from everyone, no one can deny the fact that they are successful. Many fall victim to the dismissal of success when they should be receiving praise for their accomplishments. It is almost as if all black people are being placed into a proverbial box of people that are bad influences. Stereotypes shou ld never be allowed to become a blanket term for a group of people. Everyone is unique and society needs to start acknowledging this fact. The Oxford English Dictionary’s

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Combating burnout how to maintain your business and your sanity

Combating burnout how to maintain your business and your sanity Entrepreneurs often wear multiple hats on the job. They range from moms who offer coaching services while the baby sleeps to small business owners who left corporate America and now employ a small workforce. No matter where you fall on the spectrum of entrepreneurs, you might be at risk of experiencing burnout. When you work alone or with a small group of people, you can quickly start to feel isolated and spread thin. Let’s take a look at the burnout phenomenon and a few strategies you can use to stop the burn before it begins. Importance of entrepreneursCorporate America is important to the success of our country. However, many experts would argue that entrepreneurs are the true backbone of our economy. From the first black female self-made millionaire, Madam C.J. Walker, to tech guru Bill Gates, entrepreneurs have been using their passions to create empires for centuries. According to a 2014 study by Alexander S. Kritikos, entrepreneurs boost economic growth by introducing i nnovations, cause competition among competitors, and provide new job opportunities. When you’re making strides in your business, it can be easy to forget about the need to care for yourself. Bottom lines and profit margins are essential to your success, but if it’s all you think about, you might be headed towards a raging case of burnout.The risk of burnoutYou’ve probably heard of (or even experienced) burnout. It’s the state of physical or emotional exhaustion that can make you feel disconnected from who you are as a person. Believe or it or, burnout is an actual medical diagnosis that might be precipitated by depression and other mental health triggers. For many people, burnout happens when workplace stressors become too much to handle. Those born with the entrepreneurial spirit have a few things in common that might place them at a higher-than-average risk of burnout. While research on this condition is plentiful in large corporations, data specific to small business and entrepreneurship isn’t. One study surveyed over 300 members of the entrepreneur networking organization, Business Networking International, to get a better understanding of what makes entrepreneurs burn out. The study looked at everything from job fit to beliefs about work. The majority of those in the survey reported feeling like they fit in their chosen profession and possessed a high level of harmonious passion. However, 25 percent of entrepreneurs felt moderately burned out, and three percent felt strongly that they had a case of burnout.It’s interesting to point out that the higher levels of passion the participants reported equated to a higher level of burnout. A smaller portion of study participants said they felt obsessive passion and destiny beliefs about their current professional roles. These individuals also self-reported more severe burnout symptoms.Strategies to combat burnoutThe good news is that once you recognize your risk of burnou t, you can create a few intentional practices that will decrease your chances of feeling the burn. Here are a few strategies that can protect your small business from burnout:Develop a flexible mindsetPassionate people tend to migrate towards fixed mindsets about their job fit, which can quickly lead to job stress. Adopting a flexible mindset just means that you can envision more than one perfect career for your life. This allows you to view your job as one part of who you are, not the only thing that makes you a unique individual. This isn’t a natural mindset to break. If you suffer from a fixed mindset, the first thing you need to do is to recognize areas of closed-mindedness. Once you see one of these areas, challenge your thinking to be more flexible. Another strategy is to acknowledge your efforts more than your traits. For instance, instead of identifying how smart you are, consider how hard you work instead. This can also help you notice other people’s efforts a t work, too.Switch up your workHave you ever noticed that doing the same thing for a few hours (much less a whole day) can zap your energy? Creative people who are tasked to write compelling copy or create the next masterpiece day after day can feel exhausted when they do the same task for too long. Switching between tasks actually promotes creativity and can increase productivity.To minimize this precursor to burnout, limit your time on any one task. Block out separate times on your calendar for creative work and the more mundane - but just as critical - tasks. Some experts believe that spending about two hours on work that requires a lot of thought will help you be most productive.Find work-life balanceIf you did a random survey, you would probably find that many people have had to talk about work-life balance with their boss. Finding this critical balance has long been a desire of workplace cultures big and small. Many businesses boast that they’ve found the perfect mix, but when you speak with their employees, it seems they’ve missed the mark.As a small business owner, it’s critical you find the perfect balance for yourself and your staff. This means you need to create a few rules for successful work-life balance. Here are a few we love:No job is worth your health: That’s right, even your own business isn’t worth sleepless nights, panic attacks, or recurrent nightmares. If you’re sick all the time from working too much, it’s time to find balance. Be open to new opportunities: This rule goes back to the â€Å"flexible mindset† we talked about above. Maybe you went into business with one objective in mind, but you keep getting asked about a new product or service line that could be your new â€Å"best seller.† Remember that success means being open to new things, even when it’s not what you planned for. Cultivate outside interests: All work and no play is a dangerous way to live. You mus t have hobbies and passions outside of work if you want to have an overall sense of wellness. Turn off the email notifications on your phone at least one day a week and leave the job at the office.Get up and movePhysical activity isn’t only good for your body. It’s an excellent way to calm stress and anxiety. No one says you have to be the next marathon runner, you just have to create a regular exercise routine that gets you at least 30-minutes of activity each day. Join the gym or find a local yoga or pilates class. If working out around the house fits into your schedule more comfortably, take a 30-minute walk around your neighborhood each day.Thriving, not just survivingNo one wants to merely exist in life. You want to be happy, productive, and above all else, satisfied with your work life. After all, you didn’t leave the cubicle to head into another stressful workplace culture. Use these tips to decrease your risk of burning out as an entrepreneur.About the A uthor:Jori Hamilton is a writer from the Pacific Northwest who has a particular interest in social justice, politics, education, healthcare, technology, and more. You can follow her on Twitter @ HamiltonJori.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Blood Pressure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Blood Pressure - Essay Example Diastolic pressure is a result of ventricular diastole or relaxation and this pattern was observed because the arteries in the working muscles started to dilate rather than constrict. The decrease in the diastolic pressure observed was a result of working at a less than maximum heart rate. In the same observation the heart rate at rest was measured at 61. This measurement spiked to 108 and 147 at 1kg and 2.5kg workloads respectively. This increase of heart rate during exercise was a result of the withdrawal of vagus nerve tone & sympathetic stimulation of the heart. Resting heart rates and maximum heart rates differ from one person to another depending on the age, gender and fitness level. The double product (also called the rate pressure product – RPP) is obtained by multiplying the heart rate by the systolic blood pressure. Since both the heart rate and the systolic blood pressure increased with increased activity during the experiment, the double product inevitably also increased from 6,710.00 (at rest), to 12, 960.00 (at 1kg workload) and finally 20, 580.00 (at 2.5kg workload). The mean arterial pressure (MAP) is the average arterial pressure in a single cycle (the average blood pressure in an individual). It is obtained from the addition of the product of the cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance to the central venous pressure. In the experiment, the mean arterial pressure at rest was 83.33 at rest then dropped at steadied at 73.33 during both 1kg and 2.5 kg workloads. The mean arterial pressure is observed to stay constant because increased flow of blood through exercising muscles is compensated for remarkably well by an increased cardiac output and adjustments to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Effective Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Effective Manager - Essay Example Effective Manager As this competency to negotiate and motivate people is a very key attribute in a manager (Fowler, 2000), I have been working hard to contribute as a team player and to get everyone to work as one cohesive unit. For this, I have been volunteering to take up different opportunities that help me enhance my skills to build a strong team such as leading a group of people to accomplish a given task. This has taught me how to motivate the team to function in one particular direction. According to Alimo-Metcalfe and Alban-Metcalfe (2003), flexibility is an attribute that an effective manger must possess. In the past, I have noticed that I am often rigid when it comes to getting my plans executed. I look at it as a challenge and I have been working on this aspect. I have tried to expand my horizon to look at broader situations where flexibility is required rather than just focussing on my core role. This has helped me improve my flexibility and has helped me understand how it is crucial for m anagers to demonstrate flexibility while leading a team. As per the research done by Antonioni, D. (1994), an efficient manager should be able to resolve conflicts in the working scenario. Conflict management comes in very useful in a competitive environment where the pressure to perform to the optimum is high. It takes high emotional quotient by the managers to remain in authority and yet resolve issues amicabily (Goleman, 1999). During many situations, I have faced the challenge of conflict management among peers and I found the process very tough because there are many aspects that need to be focussed upon while managing a conflicting scenario. For example, I found it difficult to resolve the situation because two candidates felt equally passionate about one particular task. Even though I awarded the task to the one who was more equipped to handle the responsibility, I found it challenging to convince the other employee as to why the task was not assigned to him. To learn the art of conflict management, I have been observing the scenarios in which managers have been resolving conflict effectively keeping the interest of the entire team as well as the mission and objective in mind. Davis et al (1989) state that an effective manager should be able to efficiently manage self and others. For example, good managers always have the goal or objective in front of them and work towards the goal effectively keeping the development of the team as well as their own development in mind (Honey, 2004). During the past, I have exclusively focussed on my core job and hence, expanding my vision to look at the development of the team was not a priority. After understanding that it is very important in the managerial domain, I have tried to align my priorities with the mission of the team so that I am better able to improve my work along with the rest of the team. This has helped me understand a lot about the various nuances of how encouragement and motivation proves to be cri tical in a team environment. I have observed how managers are able to take active interest in the development of others while keeping the mission in mind. They do it by developing a deep understanding of the psychology and thought process of the individuals and how that would fit in with the common goal. I have also tried to improve my

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Characteristics of Just Laws And Views Essay Example for Free

Characteristics of Just Laws And Views Essay A just law has a number of widely recognized characteristics. A just law is characterized by the following: treats all people equally The notion of equality is an important aspect of the law. Although a just law may be providing equality it doesn’t always occur that way. For example, a wealthy person may be able to afford legal representation, but those people who can’t afford legal representation will be disadvantaged and will not have an equal opportunity before the law. is based on generally held religious or ethical precepts The common law legal system is the product of various historical influences, many of which were the religious and moral viewpoints of different times. In today’s society, ethics and how they coincide with the law are being replaced by the need for the law to protect society as a whole and consider economic interests. is utilitarian Utilitarianism is the theory which suggests the law aims to ensure the greatest possible happiness for the greatest possible number of people. stresses consensus and social cohesion above all Democracy helps create legal consensus. Democratic processes provide all citizens within the state with the opportunity to develop or create the law. Democratic processes will generally require a majority or consensus to bring a law into being. Democratic processes are designed to endure the survival and well being of the community through stressing consensus. allows for general principles to be mitigated in individual cases Mitigation allows for fairness. The law attempts to treat everyone equally; that = everyone in similar situations is taxed the same, everyone who commits the same crime is given the same penalty. However the courts have discretion to reduce the penalty according to the circumstances. aims to redress inequalities It leaves people free To the extent that people do not break the law, a just law will leave people free. It takes into account of limitations in material resources. It can be invoked without undue delay. A just law should deal with a legal problem or dispute as soon as practicable after that problem or dispute arises. This is because people’s memories fade and so their evidence becomes less reliable as time passes. But this is not always the case, as currently the Australian legal system has lengthy delays and cases take long periods of time to reach the courts. Formal Equality – theory side of the actual practice. Here in theory everyone in Australia is treated equally and given the same opportunities Institutionalized equality- this is the practical side to it. Although it seems everyone in Australia is equal there are people in sub groups in society who are part of a minority and aren’t able to benefit from the opportunities. E.g. of formal equality: Everyone has to right to access the law. Everyone has the right to vote EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY-Equal treatment of people in access to employment and services. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..So everyone has the right to apply for a job. They have equal rights to a safe working environment. (work cover). Everyone has the equal opportunity to access the minimum wage. EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW-Everyone is treated equally in their dealings with the law. E.g. The rule of law. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦So everyone has the implied right to legal representation. All Australian citizens are allowed to contest evidence put forward during court (natural justice – cross examination). EQUALITY OF OUTCOMES-A practice whereby the law, policy or precedent aims to ensure that, regardless of educational or socioeconomic background, or inequality of opportunity, the result of certain exercises will be equality†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ legal aid, if people aren’t able to afford legal representation they are given the opportunity to apply for legal aid. Does formal equality before the law hides institutionalized inequality? This relates most to EQUALITY OF OUTCOMES because this area is where the law has its most flaws. Although everyone might have the same opportunity not everyone is able to understand that system. For example unskilled migrants who come to Australia looking for a better life think Australia has equal everything†¦true but its not equal if you don’t understand it and aren’t familiar with it. For example: if you come from a non – English speaking background to Australia and get into trouble with the law or are being framed or a victim of fraud and exploitation how are you going to access the law and legal representation if you cant speak the language and don’t understand the system. Therefore not an equal opportunity.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Alain Robbe-Grillet and The Secret Room :: essays research papers fc

Alain Robbe-Grillet and The Secret Room   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On page 2032 of the class’s anthology, there is a work by Alain Robbe-Grillet entitled â€Å"The Secret Room†. What interests me about this work is that I thought that this topic or story is deep and hard to get the idea. So, I wanted to know about Alain Robbe-Grillet and wanted to get the idea. In this connection, the question that I want to research is who Alain Robbe-Grillet is and what is this story about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, Robbe-grillet, he was born in Brittany, France, where was the place for scientists and engineers. At first, he was not a writer. He earned the degree in mathematics and natural science. He started working at National Institute of Statistics and published an article on livestock possibilities before deciding to work part time in his sister’s biology laboratory and write a novel. The first novel he wrote was â€Å"A Regicide† in 1949. But, it didn’t published until 1978 which was the time after he became a successful novelist. Robbe-Grillet was one of the foremost filmmakers and the novelists of the French new novel, of the twentieth century. Frustrated about the lack of progress and innovation in the art of the novel since the nineteenth century, Robbe-Grillet and Nathalie Saurrate began to write complex novels that interrogated and challenged conventional narrative modes, novels that altered or abolished fictional elements such as character, plot, setting, point of view, and chronological time in favor of repetitions, an absence of emotion, minute objective and sometimes geometric descriptions, the lack of authorial analysis, and the deconstruction of time. His films also reflect his desire to challenge the conventions of filmmaking, but he is recognized principally as a novelist. The novels of Robbe-Grillet all challenge their readers to reevaluate the way they read, the way they think, and the way they visualize the world around them. The novels are vastly different from each other. â€Å"The Erasersâ€Å" concerns a police inspector, Wallas, and his search for a man who has supposedly killed another man who, in actuality, was not killed. The novel is set in a small Belgian city, a city with a considerable network of canals and bridges and boulevards that all look the same; throughout the novel, the city becomes a type of labyrinth, adding an ambiguous complexity of space to the novel's non linear chronology.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Erasers† is more accessible than his later novels like â€Å"Jealousyâ€Å" and â€Å"In The Labyrinth†, both penultimate examples of the New Novel.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

My Antonia by Willa Cather Essay

Based on the novel, Jim Burden’s observation of Antonia and even the way he looks at her and interacts with her, it seems clear that he loved Antonia. He did not pursue her, however. Jim spent his childhood in his grandfather’s house in the prairie and spent a lot of time with Antonia. Eventually, in the second book, he spends more time with Antonia and also with the girls working in town. It is at this time that he notices the sexuality of Antonia. Hence, his descriptions of Antonia, and later of Lena, become charged with sexuality. Jim Burden’s relationship with Antonia remained platonic first, because Antonia put emphasis on the four years difference they had and looked down at Jim as her junior. Hence, Jim felt that Antonia looked down on him as a child. When he turned his attention to Lena Lingard, she decided to toy with the young man’s feelings. Antonia had to intervene to prevent Jim from being heartbroken. The relationship between Antonia and Jim remained platonic, at least on the surface. Jim did not see through the defenses set up by Antonia to prevent their being linked romantically together. But since Jim turned his attention to Lena, Antonia felt that she should protect the emotions of Jim. Jim and Antonia are connected with the threads of childhood and of the friendship of growing up together. But Jim, being an orphan and a man, has to study and pursue his dreams for himself. His education and the very act of pursuing his dreams stand in the way between him and Antonia. Years later when he goes back and finds Antonia with her husband and her ten children, he feels affectionate to them yet he adds a wistful longing by saying that Antonia and he â€Å"possessed together the precious, the incommunicable past. † In the end, that was what they shared together. Works Cited Cather, Willa. My Antonia. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1954.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Penn Foster Journal Enteries

That decomposing bodies can bring disease. Many religions turned such b when church and state were homogeneous. Modern medicinal technology allows for the harvesting of organs from a corpse, and the successful implantation of that organ into a living human being. Why is that worse than letting that same organ decompose? Treating our dead with respect and reverence is a beautiful characteristic of any society. By honoring the dead we are cherishing the memory of our loved ones, following paradigms of our various belief systems, and honoring the radiations of previous generations.None of those are time valued traditions hold their value if we do not put a higher value on our living than our dead. Our societies need to move forward, and let go of archaic belief systems that hinder our society and hold our citizens health hostage. Reflect If feel that my attitude to writing is relatively the same. My knowledge about writing though has increased substantially throughout this process.I fee l a lot of growth has happened as I have made my way through this Journey. I know a little bit more about my writing style. I have also learned many essay writing techniques that will prove invaluable as I continue my academic and professional careers. I think I could improve as a writer, by being more patient and allowing more time for my ideas to form. Some I am very thankful for the educational opportunity the English module at Penn Foster College has provided.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Human Resources Vocabulary for English Learners

Human Resources Vocabulary for English Learners English teachers are often not equipped to go into depth in the terminology required in specific trade sectors. For this reason, supplementary core vocabulary sheets go a long way in helping teachers provide adequate materials for students needing an intensive study of vocabulary in very targeted areas. This core vocabulary reference sheet provides keywords and phrases used by a business human resources department. This list can be used as a starting point for  vocabulary study relating to employment and working. Knowledge of these terms can help people get a job and understand employee handbooks of policies that they are required to follow upon employment at a company. The list contains British and American spellings of terms and phrases, as noted by the use of (UK) and British spellings such as labour, which is spelled labor in the United States. Human Resources Vocabulary absentee absenteeism absenteeism rate accident at work/industrial injury applicant/candidate application form apprenticeship aptitude test assessment of applicants assistant back pay bargaining power basic salary blue-collar worker business  hours/office  hours Christmas bonus clerical  work/office  work company  bargaining/company  negotiation compensation for permanent disability contractual situation cost-of-living allowance credentials day shift direct  labour  (UK) disability pension disciplinary measure/disciplinary sanction discrimination dismissal dismissal for cause dismissal without notice early retirement employer employment agency employment  card/working  papers employment contract/labour contract (UK) employment for a trial period employment  office employment  rate executive cadres executive personnel exit permit experienced person family allowances family leave federal holiday/national holiday (US)/public holiday (UK) freelance full employment full time full-time employment general  strike gross wages and salaries harassment have an accident at work healthcare higher education/advanced education human relations (US)/human relationships (UK) independent unions index-linked wages indirect  labour (UK) industrial  tribunal (UK)/labour  court (UK) internal regulations irregular work/discontinuous work job/employment job application job description job evaluation job satisfaction job security job sharing junior  clerk/junior  employee labor costs labor disputes labor force/manpower labor market labor mobility labor relations (US) /industrial relations (UK)   labor relations/trade-union relations labor retraining labor supply labor union (US)/trade union (UK)   layoff learning by doing leave letter of appointment lock-out management training managing director maternity leave middle management minimum rate of pay minimum wage moonlighting motivation night shift occupation/employment office hours office manager office staff/office personnel on-the-job training outsourcing overtime pay overtime work part time part-time job partial disability pay pay envelope (US)/wage packet (UK) pay  formula/retribution  diagram pay increase for merit paycheck/payslip payroll/payroll ledger pension pension fund period of notice permanent disability permanent job/steady job permanent staff personnel/staff personnel department personnel requirements planner pretax prevention production bonus professional qualifications professional training programmer purchasing manager re-employment redundancy payment refresher course relationship management remuneration resign (chairperson)/to give notice (employee) resignation (chairperson)/notice (employee) retirement retirement age right to strike salaried  workers/employees salary salary  range/wage  band seasonal employment seasonal workers second shift secondary job senior clerk / senior employee severance  pay / dismissal  pay short-term employment sick leave / sick day skilled labor (US) / skilled  labour (UK) skilled work skilled workers social costs social insurance / national insurance Social Security (US) sole  director staff costs / personnel costs striker temporary disability temporary staff temporary worker / temp the job is still vacant third shift time card time clock to apply for a job to appoint a person to ask for a raise to be dismissed / to be fired to be laid off to be on probation / to be on trial to be on strike to be out of work / to be unemployed to dismiss / to fire to fill a vacancy to go on strike to hold a position to interview to retire to risk indemnity to secure employment to select candidates to strike to take measures to take ones vacation  days (US) / to take ones  holidays (UK)   to train to work at home / to telecommute top manager total disability trade training training period trial period under contract underemployed unemployment unemployment benefits union dues / union subscription union officer / trade unionist unjustified dismissal unpaid leave unskilled labor (US) / unskilled labour (UK) unskilled worker vacancy / vacant position vacation (US) / holiday (UK) wage  bargaining / pay  negotiations wage ceiling wage claims wage dynamics wage freeze wage pressures wage-cost spiral wage-earning workers welfare contributions white-collar worker work overtime work shift workday (US) / working day (UK) worker working hour workload workplace

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

300+ Short Story Ideas How to Start Your Story Off Right

300+ Short Story Ideas How to Start Your Story Off Right 300+ Short Story Ideas How to Start Your Story Off Right These short story ideas can mean the difference between sitting at home suffering from writers block and knocking out another storythat could potentially be published.We know it can be hard to summon inspiration. Its elusive and downright impossible to drum up if it doesnt want to be.Weve all been there beforeThats why we put together these completely original, brand new writing prompts for you to use to start your next story short.Here are our short story ideas and how to utilize them effectively:300+ Short Story IdeasHow to start a storyStory structureHow to think of your own story ideasNOTE: Learn how to take one of these story ideas and transform it into your next bestseller through our VIP Fiction Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it hereHow to Start a StoryStarting your short story is the most important part.Without being able to hook your readers with a strong introduction, they wont get to enjoy the entirety of the journey through your story.Whether youre writing a sh ort story or looking for your next big book idea, weve got tips to help you start it off right.These are our tips for starting your short story:Shock your readers by writing something they wouldnt expect or something that doesnt quite make sense. This is often done by creating confusion, starting by instilling sympathy for your character, or writing something downright shocking to read.Create sympathy for your character by throwing them in the middle of a struggle. Humans are empathetic beings and making something awful happen right off the bat to an unsuspecting character will help draw intrigue.Avoid info-dumping by beginning your story with action instead of information. If all you do is give your characters entire background (which is indicative that youre now following the rules of showing versus telling), your readers wont be sucked in.If you want to skip down to your story ideas, click right here, otherwise, lets dive into story structure and how to use these ideas effectivel y.Story StructureNo matter how many short stories idea you have, without the right story structure, theyll be nothing more than justideas.Lets go over proper story structure so you can do these story ideas justice.There are 5 key milestones in every novel, and for short stories, there are typically 4 (due to word count and lack of longevity in general).Story Structure Milestone 1 The SetupEvery story needs a setup in which to move from. This is the very beginning of your story.You may decide to use one of these short story ideas and in that case, youll have to construct a catchy and enticing first paragraph/s in order to pull readers in.The difference between writing a novel and writing a short story is the fact that your short story introduction has to be short, snappy, and filled with intrigue.Here are a few ways to write a good story beginning:Start in medias res, which means in the middle. This is in reference to the action and how you start a story. Starting in the middle give s the story a more natural beginning and helps you avoid info-dumping.Introduce a major story element within the first page. This gives your readers a clear idea about what your story will involve. By main element, I mean magic or flying spacecraft or a love interest. You want your readers to know the type of story theyre getting in the opening so they can become more interested in its ending.Make us care about the main character in some way through strong character development. The more your reader can bond with the focus of your story, the more likely it is theyll stick around to find out what happens to them.Story Structure Milestone 2 The Inciting IncidentTheres always one thing that happens in any story or book or even movie that kicks off the chain of events.Your story needs to have an inciting incident as part of its story structure too.For example, the inciting incident in Game of Thrones that kicks off the entire Stark VS Lannister war thats ultimately the reason behind al l the heartache, death, and drama is when Jaime Lannister pushes Bran Stark out of the window. This puts a target on Brans back since he didnt actually die and then he was nearly killed by a hitman with a Lannister blade.That is the inciting incident for both the first book and the whole of the war for the iron throne.Figure out what your (probably smaller) inciting incident is, whether thats a stranger wandering in to your characters classroom or some unknown object smacking your character in the back of the head while they jogged past their favorite, and oddly empty, coffee shop one morning.Story Structure Milestone 3 The SlapWhen writing a novel, there are two of these slaps, the second worse than the first. No matter if youre writing a short story or a full novel, your story will still get a slap.These slaps are critical and harrowing events that halt the progression of your story and make it harder for your character to succeed in whatever it is theyre trying to do.During this slap, your characters world and hope and whatever theyre working toward comes to a standstill as they face this obstacle in their journey.For a short story, this can range from your character losing all the money they had to get home to the death of their loved one. Choose something thats shocking but will still leave your readers with some hope.Story Structure Milestone 4 The ClimaxYou know what the story climax is. Its the point in your story where all the events come to a head with the biggest event in your story.The climax is when your character either succeeds or loses what theyre after.Oftentimes, authors choose this time to provide readers with an unexpected twist. No matter how you decide to write your storys climax, make sure its the highlight of your story.The falling action, otherwise known as the resolution, comes directly after and is how you end your story. (We suggest making sure its satisfying instead of just dropping off the end of the climax)How to Think of Your Own Story IdeasComing up with story ideas can take some time and practice- especially when your imagination has been at a standstill for a long time.In order to come up with your own story ideas, use the what if method. Think of a situation and then ask yourself, what if and fill in the end.For example, your situation may be a character who wants to ditch school.To create your own story idea, ask yourself, What ifthat character ditches school and then runs into their teacher.And then, what ifthat teacher is also playing hooky.This allows you to craft story ideas centering around one main idea with multiple possibilities.Ultimately, coming up with your own story ideas from nothing can be much more difficult than expanding on story ideas someone else has come up with- like us.Here are over 300 story ideas for you to use and write about.300+ Short Story Ideas to Use TodayWrite a story about a new strain of flower and how its scent is intoxicating to humans, but also deadly.Write a stor y about the first stranger you see today.Write about a lizard thats living in your characters walls.Write a story about a city that has hidden from civilized society for thousands of years until an unsuspecting traveler walks right into the heart of it.Write a story from the perspective of a mouse.Write about the worst lie youve ever told.Write a story that starts in a room of windows.Write about a little girl who purposely leaves a backpack of bombs in a local coffee shop.Write a story involving two people from opposite sides of a massive town with a long history of rivalry.Write about another planet that has life just like Earths- everything is exactly the same only there were 1/3 of the Earths population.Write about a chair sitting on the old, broken down front porch.Write a story about a girl walking down the center of the street.Write about apples falling from the sky.Write about the incessant shrill of a morning bird outside the barely cracked window.Write a story involving th ree women and a stolen cane.Write a story that starts with, She was aware of just how much she was making things harder for herself.Write a story about a cold house in the depths of an overpopulated town.Write about two birds and their role in a heist.Write about what its like to be fully submerged in jelly.Write a story that starts with the smell of salt in an open field.Write a story involving a teacher and a 217-year-old child.Write about succulents drying up on a windowsill.Write a story that starts with, And now I actually have to figure out what I did wrong.Write a story about a character who forgets one person in his life every day, though not always the same person.Write about a character who wants nothing more than to learn how to build a house.Write a story involving fish crackers and a rogue lemon.Write a short story about an orphan who can hear whispers.Write a story that starts with, She was filled with the sense that her work here wasnt done just yet.Write about black curtains in a room of white.Write about a new packet of dried fruit sent through the mail.Write a story about a guitar with a unique signature on the inside.Write about bananas and what they mean for a future society.Write about a dog that loses a paw.Write about a nice meal that was had over poison wine.Write a story about one man and the lost scarf.Write a story that starts with, After what seemed like the longest night of his life, he had only one more thing to do.Write about the sun filtering through countless leaves before finding your cheek in the morning.Write a story involving a really strong cup of coffee and the worst churro ever.Write a story that takes place on the middle floor in the middle suite in a 56 story hotel.Write about the rattling your character regularly hears coming from the basement.Write a story involving a song your character knows but doesnt remember.Write a story that starts with, How he waited this long without killing someone was beyond him. But he ma de it throughmostly.Write a story that takes place on a crowded beach in the middle of summer.Write a story about a rooftop bar and an unlikely accident.Write a story involving three roles of tape and a garden hose.Write about flying on an airplane for the first time.Write a story from the perspective of a plant.Write the story of an old baseball cap now bleaching on a headstone.Write a story that begins with an old man tapping his toes.Write about one character who has too much love for pepper.Write a story about a cactus left on the front porch of your characters new house.Write about cascading doubt infiltrating a womans unusually high self-esteem.Write a story involving a camera and a pack of ice.Write about what its like to be the only person who knows the true purpose of life.Write a story that starts with, You never know just how bad things can get until youre waist-deep in the sandpit you used to play in as a child.Write about that one time your character forgot to wear shoe s to school.Write a story about a bookcase floating down a river.Write about what happens when an ex-convict opens an ice cream shop.Write about two flowers smushed on a doorstep.Write a story the begins with your character watching rain flood their dirty streets.Write a story about a single sticky note worn with folds and faded with time.Write about a girl gifted with an award for something she mustve done, but doesnt remember.Write a story using the words trial and reckoning.Write a story that starts with, I knew that mongrel was a problem the second I set eyes on him.Write a story that involves a unique hat, two bottles, and a disgruntled bee.Write about the first person who comes to mind.Write a narrative of your day as if you were in the 1800s.Write a story about how much a soldier misses the taste of honey buttered biscuits.Write about a character who just found out they have a rare disease that makes their skin change colors to match their surroundings.Write about a faraway w orld where humans are not the most intelligent life form.Write a story about six kids on their quest to uncover a hidden lair deep in the forest.Write a story involving a wrench, a flower pot, and two teenagers.Write about what happens when the government puts secret viruses in essential oils in order to dull the minds of its users.Write a story that starts with, What happened to me wasmeant to happen. At least thats what I tell myself.Write about an old womans journey to relocate someone she had a passionate fling with in her younger years.Write about how love can become muddled in difficult families.Write a story involving a rare book and two people fighting over it.Write a story in a world where books are outlawed.Write about a time you thought you would explode with some sort of emotion.Write a story about a character who finds a perfect sketch of themselves for sale in a coffee shop2,000 miles from where they live.Write about a lime tree and its worst predator.Write a story abo ut a dog who wont stop digging at one specific spot.Write about what would happen in a world where children are regarded as the most precious beings to the point of being worshiped.Write about a girl in an ancient society who hears voices in her head that arent her own.Write a story about an antique cash register and a type of money that nobody can place.Write about a life-changing book and its journey through multiple readers and its home on the library shelf.Write a story that beings with, His hand fell from the gash in his eyebrow, red trickling down his hand to do his tattered jeans.Write about a wheelbarrow, a young boy, and a snake hiding in the backyard.Write a story that involves a glass koala.Write about what it means to be fully awake.Write a story about a girl who spends half her night awakeas someone else.Write a story about a man who can see a persons worst day ever whenever he touches them.Write a story that begins with the patter of baby footsteps on the hardwood floo r.Write a story involving a broken car trunk, a DVD, and batteries.Write a story that starts with, They never tell you what its like when your world gets turned upside down.Write about how the sticky note pile on your desk keeps dwindling day after day, without you using it.Write a story about a lie told over breakfast.Write about your life as if you were telling it from a bystanders perspective.Write a story about how you take a bit of an eggroll only to discover a scroll inside.Write a story that begins with a warm breeze blowing off a house thats on fire in the middle of winter.Write about a card game that goes wrong.Write a story from the perspective of an owl flying around a campground at night.Write about a lost bracelet.Write a story about how to find your way back home.Write a story that starts with, His pack was heavy, no doubt about that with what he hid inside.Write a story like you were the only person left in an amusement park at night.Write about a time when your frien ds made you feel betrayed for the first time.Write about a journey to discover what happens when you reach the bottom of a waterfall.Write about the lives of two hamsters as they squeeze out of their cage.Write a story from the perspective of yourself as a 3-year-old.Write about a story that begins with a bird flying through a window.Write a story about a character who cant stop lying to those closest to them.Write about a brand new couch found sitting in the middle of a back country road.Write a story about what was found beneath a palm tree during a beach party.Write about a bathtub and a drawing pad.Write a story about how a character finds a message in the bottom of their coffee cup.Write a story about what would happen if food manufacturing companies shut down.Write a story that starts with, That oil spill was the least of his problems.Write about a character who discovers why nobody can find a cure for cancer.Write a story detailing the process of creating a bouquet from homeg rown florals.Write about a high school graduation that gets a major surprise.Write a story involving a rare coin and two thieves fighting over it.Write about climbing a tree for the first time.Write a story involving a water spigot and a nest of baby bunnies.Write about a secret room beneath an open field.Write a story about a character who discovers their parents hidden library.Write a story involving a notepad, a flashlight, and a goat.Write a story about holding your breath.Write about what happens at night inside the small towns antique shop.Write a story about a character who lives in a future society thats struggling to produce enough food.Write about a secret governments method of population control.Write a story about a writer who gets their ideas from the remnants of dreams.Write a story that starts with, In any other time, what she did would be considered heroic.Write about how dropping their ice cream as a little boy changed your main character completely.Write a story in which two people argue about who has the worse sleeping problems.Write about a psychic who wants nothing more than to be believed in a world that shuns psychics.Write a story that begins with the sound of raindrops on a tin can.Write about flooding in a society that hasnt seen good rain in years.Write about what it would be like to lose every possession you own.Write a story about the struggles of being born with purple hair in a world where color is frowned upon.Write about the smell of banana bread and coffee as your character skips downstairs for breakfast.Write about what its like to live in a small shed thats half buried from before the sickness took nearly half the population.Write a story that begins with, She scuttled backward, shoving herself against the wall, sweat bleeding through her torn shirt. Its worth it.Write about a time your character slipped and broke an arm outside a donut shop.Write about a reserved, creepy EMT who draws your characters blood for seemingly no reason.Write about someone whos afraid to feel the wind.Write a story that starts with car tires crunching over an abandoned road.Write a story about a haunted barn.Write a story involving an air freshener, a trailer, and a basketball.Write a story about what happens in a small town surrounded by militant forces.Write about a character whos never read a book, lost in a library.Write a story that involves seashells and a stolen ring.Write a story that starts with, Her hair was parted on the right side.Write about a journal that made everything written in it come to life.Write about an old woman who spends her whole days gardening.Write about a time when you forgot something very important.Write about a whale and a little girls toy boat.Write a story using the words exposure and calamity.Write a one-sentence story using the word charcuterie.Write a story about an underdeveloped society learning that their government is listening in on them daily.Write about a string and a broken cello .Write a story involving a bar stool and a farm.Write about what it would be like to step foot on another planet for the first time.Write about a parade from the perspective of a child.Write a short story centering around a little boys trip to the emergency room in the back of an ambulance.Write a story about how wine is made.Write a story about the intricacies of writing a poem.Write about a character who was born in an open field, and spent the next seventeen years- his whole life- never crossing the forest line beyond the field.Write a story about the places a woman keeps finding sand after her recent (and very brief) trip to the ocean.Write a story that centers around a song and its dire meaning to a certain civilization.Write a story about a young girls quest to write a book.Write about a time when your character accidentally slipped up in a big lie.Write a story that starts with, It wouldnt be long now. She knew she deserved what was about to happen.Write about a story revolvi ng around a single family in a small town that nobody ever knows anything about.Write a story that mentions the words hacksaw and blueberry candle.Write about what would happen if one day, all your books started disappearing.Write a story about a new facial spa treatment of the future.Write a story based in a far away society where fire is worshipped.Write about a world where animals are sacred and killing anything, be it plant or animal, is punishable to the extreme.Write about what it looks like when one guy follows his dream of becoming an ice cream truck owner.Write a story about a dandelion flying through the air.Write about the next greatest discovery in human history.Write a story about the last time you embarrassed yourself.Write a story that starts with your character on a pier, barely noticing the person whos been following them for miles.Write about how the last book you read made you feel.Write about a young boys fascination with trees.Write about a girl moving to a new city for the first time.Write a love story about two trees in your neighbors backyard.Write a story that begins with, The street was long and dark.Write a story that includes a rummage sale, an old book, and hot sauce.Write a book about finding your inner peace while backpacking in a forest.Write about a fantasy world where magic- and your ability to control it- is a currency.Write about the best sandwich shop and its secret.Write a story about sand whipping at your shins.Write a story centering around a playground with a hidden entrance.Write a story that begins on a warm spring night with a girl frantically brushing spider webs out of her hair.Write about flowers that only bloom at midnight on the tenth day of the month.Write a story about a dog and its friend, a mouse.Write a story that uses the words happening, case studies, and sunglasses.Write about how it feels to stub your toe, but from the perspective of the couch it was stubbed on.Write about a wedding in a field of daisie s.Write about a dropped popsicle on the hottest day of summer.Write a story about what its like to interview people for a living.Write a story involving an empty picture frame, a lone guitar pick, and applesauce.Write a story about a character who cant help but sneeze whenever they so much as see a cookie.Write a short story from the perspective of a therapist after a long day of sessions.Write a story that starts with, That front porch needed fixing, alright.Write about a special lamp purchased at a garage sale.Write a story featuring a goofy cat, its toy mouse, and a real mouse.Write a story about the adverse effects of a full moon on a certain, interesting, family.Write a story involving two antique lamps being stolen from an old widows home.Write a story that begins with a tree flickering in the inconsistent breeze.Write about a dog who lost its eyesight.Write about what its like to go through the hardship of losing your most prized possession.Write a story from the perspective of a bird flying over a beach.Write a story that starts with, When it was all over, she would be doneat least thats what she kept telling herself.Write about a cactus found growing in the middle of a forest.Write about a great tyrant battling their inner demons.Write a story that involves a dragon, mist, and a canopy.Write about why one woman is walking downtown in a snowman costume.Write a story that uses the words influence, haberdashery, and walnut.Write a story about the last dream you had.Write about what its like to paddle out far from the shore on a surfboard.Write a story in which two people who have never met go to the exact same places in the exact same order.Write a story about a world where lying causes uncontrollable hives to sprout on your body.Write a story from the perspective of a ghost at a funeral.Write about what its like to ride the subway for the first time.Write about a foreign visitor and a runaway hat.Write a story that starts with, How would things be any different if she stopped herself?Write about the beach and a seemingly neverending hole in the sand.Write a story that begins with a character whos running their hands along a wall looking for the light switch.Write a story from the perspective of a child running through an ancient castle.Write about a future society where privacy is no more a standard human right.Write a story where children are being born as prodigies- all of them.Write about a time where your character lost their cool at the most inopportune time.Write a story detailing why one man can make the perfect loaf of bread.Write a story that begins with, She wasnt a hard woman to work with. She was justa unique person to work with.Write about what would happen if the internet went down for one week.Write a story that involves a baseball bat, honey, and a board game.Write about a man who owns a very small, very intricate brewery.Write a story about a future civilization thats on the hunt to discover why the human populat ion dropped by 1/3 over a thousand years prior.Write a story about how one detective solved a mystery by using Instagram.Write about the next greatest invention of our generation.Write a story featuring a sprinkler, a trampoline, and a toothpick.Write about a trailer thats been sitting in the same spot in the woods for years and has finally been opened.Write a story about a time capsule being uncovered in a small town and the very interesting and alarming object inside.Write a story about what would happen if one day, you realize that everyone in your life is in on something major except for you.Write a romance story that opens with a woman rapidly throwing apples at the bread aisle in a grocery store.Write a short story about what happens when humans have their identification information embedded on a chip in their arm.Write a story about a stranger on the bus who has a very intricate burn scar on their forearm.Write a story that starts with, It started with a headache.Write about what would happen if humans were suddenly able to manipulate time, but only if they store enough of it by not sleeping.Write a short story detailing how one mom broke out of jail.Write a mystery short story about what happened with a lamp and a missing tooth.Write a story about a born-and-raised spy who snuck out and went downtown for the first time in her life.Write a story that shows us why government and rules are so necessary in society.Write a story about an overgrown apple tree.Write about how long it takes to make a real change in your life.Write about one childs dream of becoming a bestselling author.Write a short story that starts with an argument between a man and his pet fish.Write a story about a box of photos and the secrets they contain.Write a story that starts with, I remember running. Just running.Write about a single patch of vibrant, thriving green grass in the middle of a desert.Write a one-page story about why a woman is repeatedly washing an old teacup.Write a romance about two old friends after theyve been married, divorced, and moved back home.Write a story that opens with the sound of clanking boots on metal grates.Write a story about why one man always smells cinnamon wherever he goes.Write about what happens when one caregiver gets sick and the children have to take care of her.Write a story that starts with, The man couldn’t give clear instructions if his life depended on it. Write about a suspicious email sent to your character detailing specifics about their life no stranger would know. Write about a black and white painting of a single flower.Write a story about creating a sculpture with a special, specific meaning.Write about a pool and the missing bottom tile.Write a story involving a toothbrush, a map, and a used sock.Write a short story about twins caught trying to pull off a con.Write about the long summers impact on an already overheated world.Write about what its like to jump out of a plane and have your parachute m alfunction.Write a story that ends with a canoe tipped over in the river.Write a short story that starts with, The buzz of midday summer heat sang across the backyard.Write about a blogger who inadvertently uncovers something major in their research.Write about a two-tailed lion at the circus.Write a story about a woman you see walking down the street with swollen, bruised knuckles.Write a story that includes a new song.Write a story that starts with two girls skipping down a street.Write about a dying tree, a hammock, and a blow-up pool.Write a story that starts with, For the sake of her own self-worth, she had to swipe that mans keys.Write a short story that ends with a Viking discovering a hidden civilization.Write a story about a brand new religion in a small community.Write a story about a new virtual reality game that makes users never want to leave.Write a story about a type of plant that gives a person special abilities when they eat it.Write a story about loneliness and wha t it truly means.Write about the tale of a dragonfly in a storm.Write a story that starts with, He crinkled the paper and shoved it aside.Write about a magical woman whos only goal is to make the lives of those in her town the best they can be.Write a story involving a pot of boiling water, a tree branch, and an old chair.Write about a diseased community seeking aid from the healthy, who are adamant on pushing them away.Write about the war your character was in and why they decided to switch sides.Write a story about how the new plan on your desk wont stop growing.Write a story about a dad who just wants to get his daughters attention.Write a story that starts with, What was left of that place had nothing to do with her.Write a short story that ends with a single note left on the counter.Write about hamburgers, a short man, and two cars.Write a story about what happens when one mystical being reads every book thats ever been published.Write a story about a young woman at the bar.Wri te a story about your greatest dream.Ready to Turn your Story into More? (Hint: Yes, you are!)Make sure to check out your FREE training to learn what it takes to turn your story idea into something worth publishing.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Kant's Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics Essay

Kant's Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics - Essay Example For an empiricist, a priori knowledge is impossible because this is beyond experience. However, Kant, an empiricist himself, shows how a priori knowledge is possible. By his definition, a priori which he also terms as analytic, is something that is known not before anything else but in relation to the subject of knowing. Given Kant’s example â€Å"all bodies are extended† where the concept of extension is always related with the concept of bodies is analytic. In contrast with this is the synthetic judgment (by definition of synthesis is adding) and is clearly illustrated in his example â€Å"all bodies have weight† where the concept of weight was observed and was thought of as being added to the concept of bodies. In other words, something known to be innate or built in with the subject of knowing is analytic while something known to be a description of the subject of knowing is synthetic. Synthetic knowledge is also categorized into those arising from experience and those arising from mathematics. As for those from experience, it is obvious that when I experience a cold soda drink, I put the concept of cold, the concept of soda and the concept that the soda can be taken in the liquid form, and together they form the concept of a cold soda drink. This is also similar with mathematics, putting the concept of the number 1 and another number 1, adding them produces the concept of number 2. Since synthetic a priori knowledge is possible, then metaphysics is also possible since this is how metaphysics is to be known. According to Kant, â€Å"space and time†¦ are therefore pure intuitions that lie a priori at the basis of the empirical † (Sect 10). The concept of space and time is different from our conception of cold soda drink or extended bodies where we experience them (see, feel, taste) because unlike bodies and soda drinks that are objects in themselves, time and space are not

Friday, November 1, 2019

Assessment techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assessment techniques - Essay Example Critical thinking plays a big role in the whole concept of the consideration of new ideas, the subsequent choosing of the best options and the decision whether or not to modify them further. The Use of Critical Thinking Skills in Teaching Critical thinking skills are a challenge in both face-to-face teaching settings as well as in the provision of online courses because there is a need for students to be completely present in the moment during the lesson. It is much easier for students to merely cram information into their memories without necessarily understanding it and then restate it when they are required to during examinations or tests (Dobrovolny, 2006). Cramming information into memory is the easier way of retaining information without being fully involved in the learning process. It is something that is done in many educational institutions today. However, it is harmful to students in the final analysis because they are left in a situation where they have no skills in fully assessing different subjects or forming their own opinions about them. Reiterating information only calls for a student to sit in the lecture and pretend to understand what is being taught even though his or her mind may be thinking about something else. As long as the student has memorized various meanings, he is content because he can repeat this material to himself later until it is ingrained in his memory. It will then be easy to restate it just as he remembers it in any examinations where it may be required. The use of critical thinking skills, on the other hand, calls for the student to be fully engaged in associative or active learning. Critical thinking entails the use of various skills in the consideration of a given subject. These skills include interpretation, observation, inference, analysis, explanation, and evaluation. The student engaged in critical thinking also takes into account the context in which the material is presented, theoretical constructs for comprehendin g the subject matter, and the techniques used to come to a decision about the final answer. The use of critical thinking skills does not just entail the use of logic, but also the consideration of credibility, relevance, accuracy, significance, and precision. When a teacher wishes to engage her students towards thinking critically about a subject, she encourages them to use their reason to determine the next steps in finding the real answer; even if this might result in disparities in the findings. She will also encourage inquisitiveness among the students, and direct them towards using a systematic approach to finding solutions for different problems. Naturally, it is easier for teachers to encourage students in bricks-and-mortar institutions to adopt these methods of problem solving than it is for them to encourage students in their online classrooms or hybrid environments. Hybrid settings describe a situation where the teacher uses a combination of traditional classroom as well a s online instruction to disseminate lessons to students. In traditional classrooms, teachers are able to monitor students on a personal basis and some can even determine which students are ‘present’ and which are not. This means that they will be able to call the attention of