Tuesday, November 5, 2019

300+ Short Story Ideas How to Start Your Story Off Right

300+ Short Story Ideas How to Start Your Story Off Right 300+ Short Story Ideas How to Start Your Story Off Right These short story ideas can mean the difference between sitting at home suffering from writers block and knocking out another storythat could potentially be published.We know it can be hard to summon inspiration. Its elusive and downright impossible to drum up if it doesnt want to be.Weve all been there beforeThats why we put together these completely original, brand new writing prompts for you to use to start your next story short.Here are our short story ideas and how to utilize them effectively:300+ Short Story IdeasHow to start a storyStory structureHow to think of your own story ideasNOTE: Learn how to take one of these story ideas and transform it into your next bestseller through our VIP Fiction Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it hereHow to Start a StoryStarting your short story is the most important part.Without being able to hook your readers with a strong introduction, they wont get to enjoy the entirety of the journey through your story.Whether youre writing a sh ort story or looking for your next big book idea, weve got tips to help you start it off right.These are our tips for starting your short story:Shock your readers by writing something they wouldnt expect or something that doesnt quite make sense. This is often done by creating confusion, starting by instilling sympathy for your character, or writing something downright shocking to read.Create sympathy for your character by throwing them in the middle of a struggle. Humans are empathetic beings and making something awful happen right off the bat to an unsuspecting character will help draw intrigue.Avoid info-dumping by beginning your story with action instead of information. If all you do is give your characters entire background (which is indicative that youre now following the rules of showing versus telling), your readers wont be sucked in.If you want to skip down to your story ideas, click right here, otherwise, lets dive into story structure and how to use these ideas effectivel y.Story StructureNo matter how many short stories idea you have, without the right story structure, theyll be nothing more than justideas.Lets go over proper story structure so you can do these story ideas justice.There are 5 key milestones in every novel, and for short stories, there are typically 4 (due to word count and lack of longevity in general).Story Structure Milestone 1 The SetupEvery story needs a setup in which to move from. This is the very beginning of your story.You may decide to use one of these short story ideas and in that case, youll have to construct a catchy and enticing first paragraph/s in order to pull readers in.The difference between writing a novel and writing a short story is the fact that your short story introduction has to be short, snappy, and filled with intrigue.Here are a few ways to write a good story beginning:Start in medias res, which means in the middle. This is in reference to the action and how you start a story. Starting in the middle give s the story a more natural beginning and helps you avoid info-dumping.Introduce a major story element within the first page. This gives your readers a clear idea about what your story will involve. By main element, I mean magic or flying spacecraft or a love interest. You want your readers to know the type of story theyre getting in the opening so they can become more interested in its ending.Make us care about the main character in some way through strong character development. The more your reader can bond with the focus of your story, the more likely it is theyll stick around to find out what happens to them.Story Structure Milestone 2 The Inciting IncidentTheres always one thing that happens in any story or book or even movie that kicks off the chain of events.Your story needs to have an inciting incident as part of its story structure too.For example, the inciting incident in Game of Thrones that kicks off the entire Stark VS Lannister war thats ultimately the reason behind al l the heartache, death, and drama is when Jaime Lannister pushes Bran Stark out of the window. This puts a target on Brans back since he didnt actually die and then he was nearly killed by a hitman with a Lannister blade.That is the inciting incident for both the first book and the whole of the war for the iron throne.Figure out what your (probably smaller) inciting incident is, whether thats a stranger wandering in to your characters classroom or some unknown object smacking your character in the back of the head while they jogged past their favorite, and oddly empty, coffee shop one morning.Story Structure Milestone 3 The SlapWhen writing a novel, there are two of these slaps, the second worse than the first. No matter if youre writing a short story or a full novel, your story will still get a slap.These slaps are critical and harrowing events that halt the progression of your story and make it harder for your character to succeed in whatever it is theyre trying to do.During this slap, your characters world and hope and whatever theyre working toward comes to a standstill as they face this obstacle in their journey.For a short story, this can range from your character losing all the money they had to get home to the death of their loved one. Choose something thats shocking but will still leave your readers with some hope.Story Structure Milestone 4 The ClimaxYou know what the story climax is. Its the point in your story where all the events come to a head with the biggest event in your story.The climax is when your character either succeeds or loses what theyre after.Oftentimes, authors choose this time to provide readers with an unexpected twist. No matter how you decide to write your storys climax, make sure its the highlight of your story.The falling action, otherwise known as the resolution, comes directly after and is how you end your story. (We suggest making sure its satisfying instead of just dropping off the end of the climax)How to Think of Your Own Story IdeasComing up with story ideas can take some time and practice- especially when your imagination has been at a standstill for a long time.In order to come up with your own story ideas, use the what if method. Think of a situation and then ask yourself, what if and fill in the end.For example, your situation may be a character who wants to ditch school.To create your own story idea, ask yourself, What ifthat character ditches school and then runs into their teacher.And then, what ifthat teacher is also playing hooky.This allows you to craft story ideas centering around one main idea with multiple possibilities.Ultimately, coming up with your own story ideas from nothing can be much more difficult than expanding on story ideas someone else has come up with- like us.Here are over 300 story ideas for you to use and write about.300+ Short Story Ideas to Use TodayWrite a story about a new strain of flower and how its scent is intoxicating to humans, but also deadly.Write a stor y about the first stranger you see today.Write about a lizard thats living in your characters walls.Write a story about a city that has hidden from civilized society for thousands of years until an unsuspecting traveler walks right into the heart of it.Write a story from the perspective of a mouse.Write about the worst lie youve ever told.Write a story that starts in a room of windows.Write about a little girl who purposely leaves a backpack of bombs in a local coffee shop.Write a story involving two people from opposite sides of a massive town with a long history of rivalry.Write about another planet that has life just like Earths- everything is exactly the same only there were 1/3 of the Earths population.Write about a chair sitting on the old, broken down front porch.Write a story about a girl walking down the center of the street.Write about apples falling from the sky.Write about the incessant shrill of a morning bird outside the barely cracked window.Write a story involving th ree women and a stolen cane.Write a story that starts with, She was aware of just how much she was making things harder for herself.Write a story about a cold house in the depths of an overpopulated town.Write about two birds and their role in a heist.Write about what its like to be fully submerged in jelly.Write a story that starts with the smell of salt in an open field.Write a story involving a teacher and a 217-year-old child.Write about succulents drying up on a windowsill.Write a story that starts with, And now I actually have to figure out what I did wrong.Write a story about a character who forgets one person in his life every day, though not always the same person.Write about a character who wants nothing more than to learn how to build a house.Write a story involving fish crackers and a rogue lemon.Write a short story about an orphan who can hear whispers.Write a story that starts with, She was filled with the sense that her work here wasnt done just yet.Write about black curtains in a room of white.Write about a new packet of dried fruit sent through the mail.Write a story about a guitar with a unique signature on the inside.Write about bananas and what they mean for a future society.Write about a dog that loses a paw.Write about a nice meal that was had over poison wine.Write a story about one man and the lost scarf.Write a story that starts with, After what seemed like the longest night of his life, he had only one more thing to do.Write about the sun filtering through countless leaves before finding your cheek in the morning.Write a story involving a really strong cup of coffee and the worst churro ever.Write a story that takes place on the middle floor in the middle suite in a 56 story hotel.Write about the rattling your character regularly hears coming from the basement.Write a story involving a song your character knows but doesnt remember.Write a story that starts with, How he waited this long without killing someone was beyond him. But he ma de it throughmostly.Write a story that takes place on a crowded beach in the middle of summer.Write a story about a rooftop bar and an unlikely accident.Write a story involving three roles of tape and a garden hose.Write about flying on an airplane for the first time.Write a story from the perspective of a plant.Write the story of an old baseball cap now bleaching on a headstone.Write a story that begins with an old man tapping his toes.Write about one character who has too much love for pepper.Write a story about a cactus left on the front porch of your characters new house.Write about cascading doubt infiltrating a womans unusually high self-esteem.Write a story involving a camera and a pack of ice.Write about what its like to be the only person who knows the true purpose of life.Write a story that starts with, You never know just how bad things can get until youre waist-deep in the sandpit you used to play in as a child.Write about that one time your character forgot to wear shoe s to school.Write a story about a bookcase floating down a river.Write about what happens when an ex-convict opens an ice cream shop.Write about two flowers smushed on a doorstep.Write a story the begins with your character watching rain flood their dirty streets.Write a story about a single sticky note worn with folds and faded with time.Write about a girl gifted with an award for something she mustve done, but doesnt remember.Write a story using the words trial and reckoning.Write a story that starts with, I knew that mongrel was a problem the second I set eyes on him.Write a story that involves a unique hat, two bottles, and a disgruntled bee.Write about the first person who comes to mind.Write a narrative of your day as if you were in the 1800s.Write a story about how much a soldier misses the taste of honey buttered biscuits.Write about a character who just found out they have a rare disease that makes their skin change colors to match their surroundings.Write about a faraway w orld where humans are not the most intelligent life form.Write a story about six kids on their quest to uncover a hidden lair deep in the forest.Write a story involving a wrench, a flower pot, and two teenagers.Write about what happens when the government puts secret viruses in essential oils in order to dull the minds of its users.Write a story that starts with, What happened to me wasmeant to happen. At least thats what I tell myself.Write about an old womans journey to relocate someone she had a passionate fling with in her younger years.Write about how love can become muddled in difficult families.Write a story involving a rare book and two people fighting over it.Write a story in a world where books are outlawed.Write about a time you thought you would explode with some sort of emotion.Write a story about a character who finds a perfect sketch of themselves for sale in a coffee shop2,000 miles from where they live.Write about a lime tree and its worst predator.Write a story abo ut a dog who wont stop digging at one specific spot.Write about what would happen in a world where children are regarded as the most precious beings to the point of being worshiped.Write about a girl in an ancient society who hears voices in her head that arent her own.Write a story about an antique cash register and a type of money that nobody can place.Write about a life-changing book and its journey through multiple readers and its home on the library shelf.Write a story that beings with, His hand fell from the gash in his eyebrow, red trickling down his hand to do his tattered jeans.Write about a wheelbarrow, a young boy, and a snake hiding in the backyard.Write a story that involves a glass koala.Write about what it means to be fully awake.Write a story about a girl who spends half her night awakeas someone else.Write a story about a man who can see a persons worst day ever whenever he touches them.Write a story that begins with the patter of baby footsteps on the hardwood floo r.Write a story involving a broken car trunk, a DVD, and batteries.Write a story that starts with, They never tell you what its like when your world gets turned upside down.Write about how the sticky note pile on your desk keeps dwindling day after day, without you using it.Write a story about a lie told over breakfast.Write about your life as if you were telling it from a bystanders perspective.Write a story about how you take a bit of an eggroll only to discover a scroll inside.Write a story that begins with a warm breeze blowing off a house thats on fire in the middle of winter.Write about a card game that goes wrong.Write a story from the perspective of an owl flying around a campground at night.Write about a lost bracelet.Write a story about how to find your way back home.Write a story that starts with, His pack was heavy, no doubt about that with what he hid inside.Write a story like you were the only person left in an amusement park at night.Write about a time when your frien ds made you feel betrayed for the first time.Write about a journey to discover what happens when you reach the bottom of a waterfall.Write about the lives of two hamsters as they squeeze out of their cage.Write a story from the perspective of yourself as a 3-year-old.Write about a story that begins with a bird flying through a window.Write a story about a character who cant stop lying to those closest to them.Write about a brand new couch found sitting in the middle of a back country road.Write a story about what was found beneath a palm tree during a beach party.Write about a bathtub and a drawing pad.Write a story about how a character finds a message in the bottom of their coffee cup.Write a story about what would happen if food manufacturing companies shut down.Write a story that starts with, That oil spill was the least of his problems.Write about a character who discovers why nobody can find a cure for cancer.Write a story detailing the process of creating a bouquet from homeg rown florals.Write about a high school graduation that gets a major surprise.Write a story involving a rare coin and two thieves fighting over it.Write about climbing a tree for the first time.Write a story involving a water spigot and a nest of baby bunnies.Write about a secret room beneath an open field.Write a story about a character who discovers their parents hidden library.Write a story involving a notepad, a flashlight, and a goat.Write a story about holding your breath.Write about what happens at night inside the small towns antique shop.Write a story about a character who lives in a future society thats struggling to produce enough food.Write about a secret governments method of population control.Write a story about a writer who gets their ideas from the remnants of dreams.Write a story that starts with, In any other time, what she did would be considered heroic.Write about how dropping their ice cream as a little boy changed your main character completely.Write a story in which two people argue about who has the worse sleeping problems.Write about a psychic who wants nothing more than to be believed in a world that shuns psychics.Write a story that begins with the sound of raindrops on a tin can.Write about flooding in a society that hasnt seen good rain in years.Write about what it would be like to lose every possession you own.Write a story about the struggles of being born with purple hair in a world where color is frowned upon.Write about the smell of banana bread and coffee as your character skips downstairs for breakfast.Write about what its like to live in a small shed thats half buried from before the sickness took nearly half the population.Write a story that begins with, She scuttled backward, shoving herself against the wall, sweat bleeding through her torn shirt. Its worth it.Write about a time your character slipped and broke an arm outside a donut shop.Write about a reserved, creepy EMT who draws your characters blood for seemingly no reason.Write about someone whos afraid to feel the wind.Write a story that starts with car tires crunching over an abandoned road.Write a story about a haunted barn.Write a story involving an air freshener, a trailer, and a basketball.Write a story about what happens in a small town surrounded by militant forces.Write about a character whos never read a book, lost in a library.Write a story that involves seashells and a stolen ring.Write a story that starts with, Her hair was parted on the right side.Write about a journal that made everything written in it come to life.Write about an old woman who spends her whole days gardening.Write about a time when you forgot something very important.Write about a whale and a little girls toy boat.Write a story using the words exposure and calamity.Write a one-sentence story using the word charcuterie.Write a story about an underdeveloped society learning that their government is listening in on them daily.Write about a string and a broken cello .Write a story involving a bar stool and a farm.Write about what it would be like to step foot on another planet for the first time.Write about a parade from the perspective of a child.Write a short story centering around a little boys trip to the emergency room in the back of an ambulance.Write a story about how wine is made.Write a story about the intricacies of writing a poem.Write about a character who was born in an open field, and spent the next seventeen years- his whole life- never crossing the forest line beyond the field.Write a story about the places a woman keeps finding sand after her recent (and very brief) trip to the ocean.Write a story that centers around a song and its dire meaning to a certain civilization.Write a story about a young girls quest to write a book.Write about a time when your character accidentally slipped up in a big lie.Write a story that starts with, It wouldnt be long now. She knew she deserved what was about to happen.Write about a story revolvi ng around a single family in a small town that nobody ever knows anything about.Write a story that mentions the words hacksaw and blueberry candle.Write about what would happen if one day, all your books started disappearing.Write a story about a new facial spa treatment of the future.Write a story based in a far away society where fire is worshipped.Write about a world where animals are sacred and killing anything, be it plant or animal, is punishable to the extreme.Write about what it looks like when one guy follows his dream of becoming an ice cream truck owner.Write a story about a dandelion flying through the air.Write about the next greatest discovery in human history.Write a story about the last time you embarrassed yourself.Write a story that starts with your character on a pier, barely noticing the person whos been following them for miles.Write about how the last book you read made you feel.Write about a young boys fascination with trees.Write about a girl moving to a new city for the first time.Write a love story about two trees in your neighbors backyard.Write a story that begins with, The street was long and dark.Write a story that includes a rummage sale, an old book, and hot sauce.Write a book about finding your inner peace while backpacking in a forest.Write about a fantasy world where magic- and your ability to control it- is a currency.Write about the best sandwich shop and its secret.Write a story about sand whipping at your shins.Write a story centering around a playground with a hidden entrance.Write a story that begins on a warm spring night with a girl frantically brushing spider webs out of her hair.Write about flowers that only bloom at midnight on the tenth day of the month.Write a story about a dog and its friend, a mouse.Write a story that uses the words happening, case studies, and sunglasses.Write about how it feels to stub your toe, but from the perspective of the couch it was stubbed on.Write about a wedding in a field of daisie s.Write about a dropped popsicle on the hottest day of summer.Write a story about what its like to interview people for a living.Write a story involving an empty picture frame, a lone guitar pick, and applesauce.Write a story about a character who cant help but sneeze whenever they so much as see a cookie.Write a short story from the perspective of a therapist after a long day of sessions.Write a story that starts with, That front porch needed fixing, alright.Write about a special lamp purchased at a garage sale.Write a story featuring a goofy cat, its toy mouse, and a real mouse.Write a story about the adverse effects of a full moon on a certain, interesting, family.Write a story involving two antique lamps being stolen from an old widows home.Write a story that begins with a tree flickering in the inconsistent breeze.Write about a dog who lost its eyesight.Write about what its like to go through the hardship of losing your most prized possession.Write a story from the perspective of a bird flying over a beach.Write a story that starts with, When it was all over, she would be doneat least thats what she kept telling herself.Write about a cactus found growing in the middle of a forest.Write about a great tyrant battling their inner demons.Write a story that involves a dragon, mist, and a canopy.Write about why one woman is walking downtown in a snowman costume.Write a story that uses the words influence, haberdashery, and walnut.Write a story about the last dream you had.Write about what its like to paddle out far from the shore on a surfboard.Write a story in which two people who have never met go to the exact same places in the exact same order.Write a story about a world where lying causes uncontrollable hives to sprout on your body.Write a story from the perspective of a ghost at a funeral.Write about what its like to ride the subway for the first time.Write about a foreign visitor and a runaway hat.Write a story that starts with, How would things be any different if she stopped herself?Write about the beach and a seemingly neverending hole in the sand.Write a story that begins with a character whos running their hands along a wall looking for the light switch.Write a story from the perspective of a child running through an ancient castle.Write about a future society where privacy is no more a standard human right.Write a story where children are being born as prodigies- all of them.Write about a time where your character lost their cool at the most inopportune time.Write a story detailing why one man can make the perfect loaf of bread.Write a story that begins with, She wasnt a hard woman to work with. She was justa unique person to work with.Write about what would happen if the internet went down for one week.Write a story that involves a baseball bat, honey, and a board game.Write about a man who owns a very small, very intricate brewery.Write a story about a future civilization thats on the hunt to discover why the human populat ion dropped by 1/3 over a thousand years prior.Write a story about how one detective solved a mystery by using Instagram.Write about the next greatest invention of our generation.Write a story featuring a sprinkler, a trampoline, and a toothpick.Write about a trailer thats been sitting in the same spot in the woods for years and has finally been opened.Write a story about a time capsule being uncovered in a small town and the very interesting and alarming object inside.Write a story about what would happen if one day, you realize that everyone in your life is in on something major except for you.Write a romance story that opens with a woman rapidly throwing apples at the bread aisle in a grocery store.Write a short story about what happens when humans have their identification information embedded on a chip in their arm.Write a story about a stranger on the bus who has a very intricate burn scar on their forearm.Write a story that starts with, It started with a headache.Write about what would happen if humans were suddenly able to manipulate time, but only if they store enough of it by not sleeping.Write a short story detailing how one mom broke out of jail.Write a mystery short story about what happened with a lamp and a missing tooth.Write a story about a born-and-raised spy who snuck out and went downtown for the first time in her life.Write a story that shows us why government and rules are so necessary in society.Write a story about an overgrown apple tree.Write about how long it takes to make a real change in your life.Write about one childs dream of becoming a bestselling author.Write a short story that starts with an argument between a man and his pet fish.Write a story about a box of photos and the secrets they contain.Write a story that starts with, I remember running. Just running.Write about a single patch of vibrant, thriving green grass in the middle of a desert.Write a one-page story about why a woman is repeatedly washing an old teacup.Write a romance about two old friends after theyve been married, divorced, and moved back home.Write a story that opens with the sound of clanking boots on metal grates.Write a story about why one man always smells cinnamon wherever he goes.Write about what happens when one caregiver gets sick and the children have to take care of her.Write a story that starts with, The man couldn’t give clear instructions if his life depended on it. Write about a suspicious email sent to your character detailing specifics about their life no stranger would know. Write about a black and white painting of a single flower.Write a story about creating a sculpture with a special, specific meaning.Write about a pool and the missing bottom tile.Write a story involving a toothbrush, a map, and a used sock.Write a short story about twins caught trying to pull off a con.Write about the long summers impact on an already overheated world.Write about what its like to jump out of a plane and have your parachute m alfunction.Write a story that ends with a canoe tipped over in the river.Write a short story that starts with, The buzz of midday summer heat sang across the backyard.Write about a blogger who inadvertently uncovers something major in their research.Write about a two-tailed lion at the circus.Write a story about a woman you see walking down the street with swollen, bruised knuckles.Write a story that includes a new song.Write a story that starts with two girls skipping down a street.Write about a dying tree, a hammock, and a blow-up pool.Write a story that starts with, For the sake of her own self-worth, she had to swipe that mans keys.Write a short story that ends with a Viking discovering a hidden civilization.Write a story about a brand new religion in a small community.Write a story about a new virtual reality game that makes users never want to leave.Write a story about a type of plant that gives a person special abilities when they eat it.Write a story about loneliness and wha t it truly means.Write about the tale of a dragonfly in a storm.Write a story that starts with, He crinkled the paper and shoved it aside.Write about a magical woman whos only goal is to make the lives of those in her town the best they can be.Write a story involving a pot of boiling water, a tree branch, and an old chair.Write about a diseased community seeking aid from the healthy, who are adamant on pushing them away.Write about the war your character was in and why they decided to switch sides.Write a story about how the new plan on your desk wont stop growing.Write a story about a dad who just wants to get his daughters attention.Write a story that starts with, What was left of that place had nothing to do with her.Write a short story that ends with a single note left on the counter.Write about hamburgers, a short man, and two cars.Write a story about what happens when one mystical being reads every book thats ever been published.Write a story about a young woman at the bar.Wri te a story about your greatest dream.Ready to Turn your Story into More? (Hint: Yes, you are!)Make sure to check out your FREE training to learn what it takes to turn your story idea into something worth publishing.

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