Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Age of Internet - 1323 Words

The Age Of The Internet The Internet could be impacting the way our brains think more than thought possible in the 21st century. When I say the Age of the Internet, I am not merely talking about the effects of the Internet. With the Internet, came many new technological improvements. Technology plays a major role in our lives way more than ever before. We are constantly staring at screens, always in touch with one another, and rely on it heavily in our daily lives. Almost all of us carry a piece of it in our pocket and use it like we use oxygen. If not, then were staring at a screen. Our generation is among the first to have a major role in whom the Age of the Internet actually affects. We have grown up, literally, in front of a screen.†¦show more content†¦The idea that new technology is changing the way we think is not only a modern view. Still focusing on the CQ Researcher article, about half way through the article, Powers writes in Hamlets BlackBerry that Even in ancient Greece, people worried about what the latest technology was doing to their minds. The article points out that many of the greatest philosophers in the past worried about the new invention of writing. They believed it would damage memory and society. What they failed to realize was what the benefits could be. We now know these benefits to be of the upmost importance, as we rely on many written things today, such as books. Could this be the same role we face today? Many of todays leading experts are worried about how this new technology could hurt the way we think. However, there seems to be far too many beneficial qualities to this new era of technology that makes this rapid growth seem somewhat unstoppable. Even though the benefits are outstanding, there are inevitable consequences to this new technology. As mentioned in the article Attached to Technology and Paying a Price by Matt Richtel in The New York Times, some scientists believe that multi-tasking affects our ability to focus. Scientists say that having multiple windows open, listening to music, checking your e-mail, and other incoming sorts of information can change how we think and possibly behave. The stimulation provokes excitement - aShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Age1710 Words   |  7 PagesSince the birth of the internet many different aspects of our lives have been affected, as a result of this, two large parts of our society have aligned themselves on contrasting sides. One side wishes to see the end of this virtual age and hopes for the return of more traditional media. The other encourages the abandonment of the real world for a virtual one. 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