Saturday, March 7, 2020

Why I Would Benefit †Scholarship Template

Why I Would Benefit – Scholarship Template Free Online Research Papers Uxbridge is my home, my comfort zone, and deciding to leave Massachusetts, and even New England, to go to the University of Central Florida this upcoming fall was the hardest decision I’ve ever made. In doing so, I am placing a lot of extras on my plate. Things such as environment, distance, size, and money are all issues I have to face. However, I am more than willing to face each one that accompanies the decision I have made. The first three issues, environment, distance, and size, are all inevitable and come with my school choice. Adapting to a new environment is the first issue. I am use to the small, quite, calm town of Uxbridge which is completely different than the way I will be leaving in a few months in the large, busy, city of Orlando. Distance is another issue I am facing. UCF is over 1000 miles away from Uxbridge. Being so far away from my family, friends, and what I know is a scary thought for me. Being unable to come home on the weekend if I am home sick will be hard. Size, the third issue, is another change for me. I will be going from being 1 in about 500, and knowing most of my peers, to 1 in about 50,000, and knowing no one. However, I have thought about each one of these and none of them have been able to change my mind. Money is the forth issue that comes with my decision and is the only one that can effect it. In deciding to leave the state, I am ineligible for the Abigail Adams Scholarship that allows for free tuition to a Mass state school that I worked so hard to obtain. I am now faced to pay the $17,017 a year tuition of the school I fell in love with. With little financial aid offered from the school, finding ways to pay for this has been hard. Living with my single dad and two brothers, (Charles Wright ,17, Senior at UHS enter the Navy and Josh Wright,16, Junior at UHS applying for duel-enrollment at Johnson Wales) all of these upcoming changes have been difficult for my family. That is where the NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP comes into play. I would be honored to be considered for this scholarship. Any sort of assistance will benefit me and my family greatly and will also help to relieve my worries. Money, now a days, seems to control peoples live and I do not want to give up a dream for something th at seems so meaningless. Leaving Uxbridge is hard; however, knowing that the University of Central Florida is the right and best place for me gives me strength. I am willing to adjust and change my life for this, and my family and I would benefit greatly with the assistance of the NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP. Uxbridge is my hometown and everything I know. I will never forget it and the people who have helped me become the strong, independent woman that I will be upon graduation day. Without them, I would not be the person I am today. My only hope is I can return the favor in becoming the best person I can be. I feel UCF is the place I can do that and the NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP will help me get there. Research Papers on Why I Would Benefit - Scholarship TemplateTrailblazing by Eric AndersonPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Spring and AutumnHip-Hop is Art19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Influences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males

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