Sunday, January 19, 2020

Lagos, Nigeria :: essays research papers

Lagos is the largest city in Nigeria. In 1989 the population was 1,274,000. It is still growing immensely as we speak. It is the former capital of Nigeria. It is located on the Gulf of Guinea. It occupies four islands(Lagos, Ikoyi, Victoria, and Ido). Lagos is Nigeria's largest city. It is the administrative and economic center of Lagos and also its main port. Main Industries include railroad repair, motor vehicle assembly, food processing, and the manufacture of metal products, textiles, beverages, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, soap, and furniture. The city is a road and railroad center and has an international airport. In Lagos, education is usually private. There are both Boarding Schools and Home schooling and both cost a lot of money. Public Schools are not that common in Lagos like they are here. The main source of transportation in Lagos is Buses and â€Å"tracks." Tracks are a simple version of street cars. In Lagos, power failures, water-supply interruptions and traffic jams is very common due to the huge population. Pollution is a very serious problem because of the surrounding lagoons have been used as dumps for the past few years and the increase in factories and cars. There are many national institutions located in Lagos, among them are the National Museum, the National Library, the University of Nigeria, and the University of Lagos. Brief History The Portuguese, was the first to visit Lagos in 1472. It was later established as a slave-trading center. The area was under the rule of the Kingdom of Benin from the late-16th to the mid-19th century then in 1861. It was later taken over by the British.

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