Thursday, December 26, 2019

Smoking Is An Addictive Habit That Has Been Killing People...

Smoking is an addictive habit that has been killing people all over the world for hundreds of years. About 25% of adults smoke and about 30% of all adolescents use some type of tobacco product (â€Å"Smoking†). Statistics show that the majority of tobacco users began as a teenager, around thirteen years of age (Miller). The human population is supposed to have innate instincts to do all they can to survive and extend their lives, but individuals still make the choice to smoke and may not take into account all of the detrimental consequences their actions could have. When an individual lights up a cigarette, they are not only harming themselves, but also others around them and the environment. Has one ever truly wondered what exactly is in a cigarette? There are over 4,000 toxic substances contained in a cigarette, including Arsenic, which can be found in rat poison; Acetic Acid, which can be found in hair dye; Ammonia, which is included in household cleaners; and Butane, which is found in lighter fluid (â€Å"Smoking†). Smoking has the power to do horrible things to the human body and mind that some do not fully take into consideration. Physically, the effects of smoking are extremely serious. Smoking has the power to damage nearly every organ in the human body (â€Å"Smoking†). Each year, it causes nearly one in five deaths and is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States (Miller). Smokers are likely to develop heart disease, strokes, or lung cancer. Smoking diminishesShow MoreRelatedThe Film Secrets Of Tobacco Industry925 Words   |  4 Pagesto purchase and consume around the world. Available in various smoke shops and grocery stores tobacco is widely available to the public. But what are the effects of the drug on people’s health? What are countries doing to stop it? The film Secrets of Tobacco Industry speaks mainly about the marketing and sale of tobacco in Indonesia. To start of the Christof Putzel proceeds to New York where mayor Michael Bloomberg discuses his effective mission to decrease smoking in his city. Afterword Putzel thenRead MoreSmoking: A Therapeutic Approach to Quitting Essay981 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking A Therapeutic Approach to Quitting While smoking is a problem that affects millions of people in The United States, several different approaches are available to assist in breaking the habit; specifically, therapeutic approaches, when utilizing group sessions, one-on-one interaction, or self direction, do offer the ability to modify personal views, behaviors or other challenging issues to achieve predetermined results. Since each of the aforementioned options provide varying amounts ofRead MoreThe Tobacco Industry: Profiting From Death1091 Words   |  5 Pages  Ã‚                 The tobacco industry in America is one that every person is affected by. In the past year over 3,000 people died from second-hand smoke related deaths (Above the   Even non-smokers are heavily affected by this moneymaking industry. The real question though, is how is a product that kills justified in the market? This product is not only addictive, but also highly threatening to the lives of its users. The maj ority of users do not realize it, but in reality they are payingRead More Putting a Stop to Smoking1261 Words   |  6 PagesIt is shocking to know that there are about ten people who die from smoking every single minute, and nobody seems to have any idea about it. Indeed, there is â€Å"a growing gap between the real world and the academy† since people are more intellectual about things that are irrelevant to the real life and are ignorant of things that are imperative to live in the real world (Orr 310). Did you know that there are over four hundred thousand deaths caused by cigarettes and tobacco each year in the U.S.Read MoreTobacco Should Be Made Illegal Essay1010 Words   |  5 PagesCigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This means about one out of every five deaths is a result of smoking. In addition to outright death, smoking has many detrimental effects on the lives of smokers and those around them. Fires, second-hand s moke, and smoking related motor vehicle accidents all plague the world and those in it. Tobacco should be made illegal because of the horrible consequences it inflicts on smokers and non-smokers alike. Tobacco isRead MoreTobacco Is A Common Pleasure Among Millions Of Americans1515 Words   |  7 PagesTobacco use is a common pleasure among millions of Americans. Tobacco use is a great source of disagreement, and people either support it or disapprove of it. Smoking is a personal choice, and we need to accept that adults can decide to harm themselves (hypothetically) to some degree as long as there not harming another person. We also need to stop criticizing people about the decisions others choose to make, so long as you don’t choose to do it, it shouldn’t be a problem if someone decides differentlyRead MoreShould Tobacco Smoking Be A Public Health Issue?2572 Words   |  11 Pagesdiscuss about one public health issue that has reached the Australian government policy agenda, I would also be talking about the policy reactions to this issue by the federal government. Here I am going to write about tobacco smoking as a public health issue that has caused the federal go vernment to get involved on the issue of smoking and policies that has put into place to minimize/curb its hazards. Cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit that is every addictive and causes health problems not only toRead MoreEssay about The Major Public Health Concern of Tobacco1390 Words   |  6 PagesTobacco Now, more than ever, more and more people are beginning to look at tobacco use as a major public health concern. It is nineteen ninety nine, and the number of smokers is rising while the average age of smoking initiation decreases. There are those that believe using tobacco of any type should be illegal, or at least restricted. Others believe it is up to the person to choose whether to use tobacco products or not, however most of these people believe tobacco companies should warn their customersRead More Harmful Effects Of Smoking Essay1907 Words   |  8 PagesEvery year thousands of people die because of lung cancer or other tobacco related illnesses. Everyone in the world comes in contact with smoke from a cigarette at least once in their lifetime, whether it is at a restaurant or at work. Millions of people are addicted to smoking, and thousands more become addicted every year. Cigarettes and other tobacco products are everywhere. Most of the addicted smokers started when they were young (Roberts 18). The reason why people get addicted to any typeRead MoreIncrease Taxation Of Tobacco Products On South Korea And Reduce The Levels Of Noncommunicable Diseases1733 Words   |  7 PagesBackground One of the major global public health challenges of the 21st century is noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Current global mortality from NCDs remains exceedingly high and continues to increase. According to World Health Organization (WHO) 2014 estimates, 38 million people die around the world each year from NCDs, mainly from cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes1. NCDs are a pressing health concern for the global community. During the creation of the Millennium

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Age of Internet - 1323 Words

The Age Of The Internet The Internet could be impacting the way our brains think more than thought possible in the 21st century. When I say the Age of the Internet, I am not merely talking about the effects of the Internet. With the Internet, came many new technological improvements. Technology plays a major role in our lives way more than ever before. We are constantly staring at screens, always in touch with one another, and rely on it heavily in our daily lives. Almost all of us carry a piece of it in our pocket and use it like we use oxygen. If not, then were staring at a screen. Our generation is among the first to have a major role in whom the Age of the Internet actually affects. We have grown up, literally, in front of a screen.†¦show more content†¦The idea that new technology is changing the way we think is not only a modern view. Still focusing on the CQ Researcher article, about half way through the article, Powers writes in Hamlets BlackBerry that Even in ancient Greece, people worried about what the latest technology was doing to their minds. The article points out that many of the greatest philosophers in the past worried about the new invention of writing. They believed it would damage memory and society. What they failed to realize was what the benefits could be. We now know these benefits to be of the upmost importance, as we rely on many written things today, such as books. Could this be the same role we face today? Many of todays leading experts are worried about how this new technology could hurt the way we think. However, there seems to be far too many beneficial qualities to this new era of technology that makes this rapid growth seem somewhat unstoppable. Even though the benefits are outstanding, there are inevitable consequences to this new technology. As mentioned in the article Attached to Technology and Paying a Price by Matt Richtel in The New York Times, some scientists believe that multi-tasking affects our ability to focus. Scientists say that having multiple windows open, listening to music, checking your e-mail, and other incoming sorts of information can change how we think and possibly behave. The stimulation provokes excitement - aShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Age1710 Words   |  7 PagesSince the birth of the internet many different aspects of our lives have been affected, as a result of this, two large parts of our society have aligned themselves on contrasting sides. One side wishes to see the end of this virtual age and hopes for the return of more traditional media. The other encourages the abandonment of the real world for a virtual one. Both extremes are problematic; a middle ground must be found.Through wires and radio-waves, the Internet has become a literal web that bindsRead MoreThe Internet Of The Digital Age1055 Words   |  5 Pagesin the world has some access to the internet, but in the same year that humans have landed a probe on a comet, the average internet speed is 3.5 Mbps worldwide. One would think that by this time loading icons would become a thing of the past, but in 2015 we still have slow internet speeds. In the digital age, everyone should have some access to the internet because the internet is a utility used by many to entertain, to educate and to communicate. The Internet is the global system of interconnectedRead MoreInternet Technology : The Development Of The Internet Age732 Words   |  3 PagesWith the development of the Internet age, Internet technology has been developed to various industries. Interest technology has affected the traditional form, but also triggered the enterprise market and competitive environment drastic changes. As mentioned in the text book, successful innovation is difficult because innovation is often short and risky. But there is no innovation, is not now convenient. Both the music industry and book-publishing industry are the success examples of business modelRead MoreThe Age Of The Internet Essay768 Words   |  4 PagesThe age of computers and the internet is very exciting, not only for the average person, but also for businesses. It opens up an entirely new world of marketing and communicating with their customers. It dubbed newspaper advertisements and commercials on cable a thing of the past. The amount of advertising and marketing that companies can achieve either for free or for very little money is truly remarkable. Now, with a growing generation of people who were raised alongside the internet, the nextRead MoreThe Age Of Technology And The Internet977 Words   |  4 PagesThe age of technology continues to grow each and every day with new programs and devices that are invented. The sharing of files today is very common for both infringing and non-infringing reasons. Many websites contain files that are illegal to distribute for free, but they easily get away with it. Attempting to catch a specific person who violates the copyright laws is very difficult with the tools available today. The Internet is becoming a gateway to both legal and illegal information, whichRead MoreThe Emerging Digital Age Of The Internet Essay1360 Words   |  6 PagesSince the birth of the computer and the internet we have witnessed almost every business worldwide discard the timely usage of paper documents and filing systems and welcome the use of database servers which has enabled greater productivity, accuracy and availability. Many businesses like banks obtain high ly sensitive personal information from their clients which is stored on database servers and encrypted with the goal of protecting their data from unauthorized users. Data being stored on serversRead MorePhysical Attraction in the Internet Age1913 Words   |  8 PagesATTRACTION IN THE INTERNET AGE Your name Instructors name Name of course Date Since its inception the internet has affected nearly every aspect of society so it is only natural that it would eventually impact on our most intimate of relationships: romance. In just a short twenty years the internet has nearly revolutionized the dating process and determined who and how we meet each for purposes of establishing both casual and permanent romantic relationships. The internet dating business isRead MoreInternet a Tool of Modern Age2643 Words   |  11 Pagessociety has grown, becoming centralized authority in our society. Exaggerated contents of mass media affect bad sides to people-especially teenagers. Some people tend to believe mass media absolutely, so it is also becomes a problem. Television, internet, and advertising, nowadays, the most important medium of mass media brings some problems to each other, so these are issue in society which people have to solve. Mass Media Power The more society has grown, the bigger the market of mass media hasRead MoreEffects Of The Hidden Internet On The Digital Age1681 Words   |  7 PagesThe Dark Web: The Effects of the Hidden Internet on the Digital Age In the late 1990’s, the internet became a staple of society, a new â€Å"fad† that became integrated into modern culture. As more and more information was uploaded to this repository, data hubs formed, often around illegal materials such as copies of music and movie files. In 2001, a man named Ian Clarke revolutionized the internet by introducing â€Å"Freenet,† a service that allowed for anonymous access to the darkest reaches of the webRead MoreThe Internet And Society : Shaping The Information Age1138 Words   |  5 PagesAshley Marie Livingston John Frykenberg History 8356 November 30, 2015 The Internet Society Shaping the Information Age In todays Information Age, the Internet has become the most sought after resource tool by millions. It is reshaping the way people live in society and how they interact with one another. As more and more people log on the Internet, it has undoubtedly changed the way people think and feel about each other and the world around us. Communication has always been an important part

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Evolution Of Photography Of Digital Photography Essay Example For Students

The Evolution Of Photography Of Digital Photography Essay A brief history of digital photography Throughout history, man has attempted to record his exploits for whatever reason or occasion. These early attempts were simple carvings or drawings that can be found throughout the world. Contrary to what many believe, the concept of capturing an image as the world has come to know it is not a process that is relatively new. The basic ideas have been around for centuries. An Arab, Alhazen of Basra, observed sometime in the, tenth century at light passing through a small round hole, perhaps in a tent flap or wall, would create an image of the outdoor scene on an interior wall or screen. He used this to obese eclipses of the sun. Many others, including Aristotle, had observed, this optical phenomenon, which was later used in what the Italians called the camera obscura (literally dark room). From this we got our word camera. (Rhode, 1) Even though the basic elements of capturing light and image was in the hands of early man, it was centuries before the light image was able to be saved without the need for paints or carvings. By 1700 the portable camera obscura had become standard equipment for many professional artists who etched image the lens cast on the ground glass. No one knew of any popular method of recording the image. Then, in 1727, Johann Heinrich Schulze, a German university professor, revealed that he had discovered that the blackening of silver salts (such as silver iodide, silver, bromide, and silver chloride), observed by others before him, was caused by light, not by heat or air. Thus the two basic steps needed for the development of photography were known: light could be used to cast an image on silver salts that would be chemically changed by the light, thereby recording the image. But a century more elapsed before anyone successfully created a permanent image with the photochem ­ical reaction. (Rhode, 4) Still, it was more than a century later before the science of using silver salts as a permanent way to capture a light image. By the middle of the 1800s photographers like Jacques Mande Daguerre were conducting numerous experiments and soon perfected, for the day, the photography fixing process. Daguerre revealed the daguerreo ­type process. In brief, the daguerreotype was made by coating a copper plate with silver, which was then polished and exposed to iodine fumes. This iodized silver surface was then placed in a camera and exposed to light projected by the lens. The image on the exposed plate was developed (made visible) by placing it over a pot of heated mercury; the bright mercury adhered to parts of the plate in proportion to the amount of light exposure each part had received. The visible image thus created was fixed (made relatively permanent) in a solution of sodium thiosulphate and, finally, washed. (Rhode 4,5) The Daguerreotype process had two major disadvantages. First it was time consuming with exposure times lasting g many minutes and second it subjected the photo developer to a variety of hazardous chemicals involving hot mercury and iodine fumes. Over the years professional photography expanded due to peace and war operations, pushing amateurs more and more to also have avenues to capture memories. Photography appeals to some of us because of its immediacy and realism and to others for the artistic interpretation it allows. And for almost everyone, photographs are mementos of occasions and people who mean something to us. (Robertson) Photography has evolved into a medium allowing the average person to add a personal touch to the documentation process. The world of photography is a personal one. We take pictures to express our feelings about people, nature, and the world around us. And as in any art of communication, be it writing, music, or art, we experience great pleasure when the results of our efforts communicate what we set out to say. (Hoy) Today, there are literally hundreds of different camera and digital image storage options. The options can include cameras prices from a dollar disposable to a professional model priced in the thousands of dollars. There are also the many different types of photo conversion processes to include film scanners, flat bed photo scanners and photo slide scanners. Again, these options range from the minimal priced to the tens of thousands of dollars. .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .postImageUrl , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:hover , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:visited , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:active { border:0!important; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:active , .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57 .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub46d53736de1f4463594ddb3af727a57:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Evolution Of Hip Hop EssayIts one thing to have the desire to make good photographs, its quite another to have the training and equipment to make good photographs. Over the years cameras have evolved from the simple box cameras with a pin hole to the newest high resolution digitals. Training has evolved away from only being available to professionals. These days, cameras and training are at costs that just about anyone can produce professional looking photographs. Many of the newer photographs and now being made with the latest digital cameras. When the world of computers collided with the world of photography, a new type of photography was born ­ in Digital Photogra phy. With the advent of the digital age, we as photogra ­phers have been introduced to an entirely new set of toys. Powerful computers, along with digital cameras and scanners, have led the way to new possibilities for image capture, enhancement, and manipulation. Yet, whether its digital photography or photography with metal plates and mercury fumes (as pioneered back in 1839 by photographys inventor Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre), the serious photographer eventually moves on to a higher plane-to a fascination with the art of digital photography. (DeLaney) Modern photography has been around for a couple hundred years, but as a science it is ageless. Whether its classic film photography or the newest gadget in the digital age, it all comes down to having a desire to make and store a memory. The equipment and training mean nothing without a desire to capture a memory and save it forever.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why You Need to Improve WordPress Security (And How to Do It)

WordPress popularity is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, its users have access to a gigantic library of tools to help enhance their websites. On the other, it presents a very attractive target for malicious attacks. Thats why learning how to improve WordPress security is essential.(Chart by WordPress Charts and Graphs Lite.)It sounds like a complicated subject – especially if you dont have a background in web development – but its actually relatively simple. In fact, a few simple tweaks here and there are often enough to dramatically  improve WordPress security.In this post, well present four tweaks to improve WordPress security of your website, including step by step instructions, and what makes each of them so important to your websites safety. Lets get started!Why you need to improve WordPress securityAs we mentioned, WordPress popularity paints a giant target on its back when it comes to security. This isnt to say if you use it, you will face security breaches, but its always a possibility.Some of the most common sources of WordPress vulnerabilities include:Not backing up your files. Backups are vital from a security standpoint. If you ever run into a serious security issue, having a recent backup of your site can save you lots of headaches.Vulnerable login pages. Unsecured login pages are the most common target for WordPress attackers. A good start here is to maintain high standards when it comes to username and password complexity.  Reusing passwords or setting simple ones is a bad idea in general, but doubly so when it comes to WordPress.Using the default database prefixes. This is another common attack vector for WordPress, and theres no  reason to stick to default database prefixes on new installs.Outdated core files, themes, and plugins. This one is pretty simple to tackle. Dont install unnecessary themes or plugins, and discard those that havent been updated in a while.As you can see, most of the items on this list ar e pretty simple to deal with. A little common sense will get you far, but were fans of going the extra mile – so lets discuss how to tackle each more thoroughly.4 simple steps to improve WordPress securityWe want to keep things simple, so well be introducing you to several tools you can employ to protect your site from each vulnerability. When possible, well also link to more advanced resources for your peace of mind. Lets get right to it!1. Set up a backup solutionSetting up good backup solution should always be one of your first steps after installing WordPress on a new site. Your web host might provide you with an internal solution in some cases – if youre not sure whether yours does, take a look at your sites cPanel or contact their support team.Either way, we still recommend that you set up a backup solution of your own, since this will provide you with a greater degree of control. Weve talked about backup plugins  in the past, but if you want a reliable and fre e solution fast, you can go with UpdraftPlus: UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin Author(s): UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAndersonCurrent Version: 1.16.17Last Updated: September 12, 96%Ratings 29,914,741Downloads WP 3.2+Requires After installing the plugin, a new option will appear under Settings on your WordPress dashboard. Here, youll have access to the three functions that lie at the core of UpdraftPlus –  Backup Now,  Restore, and  Clone/Migrate:Selecting the Backup Now option will prompt you to choose whether to include your database and media files:Once youve clicked Backup Now, and waited a few moments, it  will appear on your main backup list, and youll have the option to use the Restore function if necessary. Easy, right? In only a few minutes, youve took the first crucial step in  making your site more secure.2. Secure your login pagesBefore we dive any further into this topic, we want to reiterate that secure usernames and pas swords are the most basic measure you can take to improve WordPress security. Dont use  admin as your username, and consider using a password manager if you dont want to memorize a complex password.Moving on, when it comes to more advanced measures, there are three steps you should take:Limit the number of possible login attempts, which  makes it harder for attackers to brute-force their way in.Enable CAPTCHAs  to combat bots.Employ a two-factor authentication solution.The Wordfence security plugin helps with  step  one  by enforcing good login security practices: Wordfence Security Firewall Malware Scan Author(s): WordfenceCurrent Version: 7.4.0Last Updated: August 22, 96%Ratings 135,846,747Downloads WP 3.9+Requires It also includes a number of  other features, which warrant further attention. While  not the only option, its one of the top security plugins currently available.3. Modify the default database prefixWhen installing Word Press, you have the option to set a custom database prefix. This is a solid security practice, but easy to overlook if youre not aware of the security downsides:Modifying the prefix of an existing install is a bit more complicated since it involves tinkering with your wp-config.php file, but it can be done. DigWP goes in depth into the process – its lengthy, but easy to follow. Of course, if you followed step one, youll have a good clean backup in case you need to roll back.4. Manage your update settingsWeve already touched on  keeping your WordPress core files, themes, and plugins up to date. Plugins are the most complicated of the bunch – a lot of sites tend to go overboard with them, which can make update  management a hassle.Instead of constantly monitoring your plugins for available  updates, we recommend using a tool to do it for you. Our favorite is Easy Updates Manager, which enables you to turn on automatic updates for your entire site: Easy Updates Ma nager Author(s): Easy Updates Manager TeamCurrent Version: 8.1.0Last Updated: October 17, 96%Ratings 2,544,808Downloads WP 4.6+Requires Best of all, this plugin includes  micromanagement options, enabling you to choose which parts of your site should update automatically. The plugin provides you with a simple control screen, which lets  you toggle these options on or off with a single click:ConclusionWordPress is an amazing solution, but its popularity makes it a  target for malicious attacks. While using WordPress doesnt necessarily mean your site will come under fire, its always good to follow best security practices.In this post, weve presented four tweaks that can help harden your site to the point where security worries (almost) become a thing of the past. Lets go over the steps  one final time:Employ  a backup solution.Secure your login pages.Change the default database prefix.Manage your update settings.Do you have any questions on how to improve WordPress security? Is your site secure? Feel free to speak up in the comments section below!